Beyond the Clown Disguise

Beyond the Clown Disguise 
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

Do you know anything about clowns? The reason why I am asking is that I work at a preschool and two people dressed as clowns came to read for story hour, and some of the children became very upset. They were so upset that I took them out of the room until the people dressed as clowns left. I asked them why they were so frightened, and one little girl said that she has bad dreams about clowns, but could not remember any of the details. The other two children did not know why and only knew that the clowns are “scary.” 


Thank you for your question and for going beyond the usual explanations of why children become upset. Our children (all New Beings) function beyond this reality, so it is vital for all of us to go beyond as you are doing. 

Because the one little girl said that she had “bad” dreams about clowns, we are going with this answer, which has to do with alien abductions*. Furthermore, for at least one child, it does appear to be an abduction scenario after reading the energy. 

The Grey aliens are masterful as disguising themselves, and sometimes they show up dressed as clowns. That may sound bizarre, but it is true. Of course, Greys can show up as how they look, but many times they will present as something that comes from the 3D world such as a clown. We don’t know exactly why they sometimes dress up. Perhaps it has something to do with “fooling” the child into not being so scared since a friendly clown has shown up to play with them. After all, Reptilians shapeshift into many Beings of Light to fool others, so perhaps the Grey aliens have the same thinking. 

The child, teen or adult is then immobilized, taken to a ship and experimented on by a Grey that initially showed itself as a clown. In that case, there was an association linked, i.e., clown becomes scary Grey Alien. Since the little girl said she had “bad” dreams about clowns, perhaps she viewed the abduction experiences as dreams, which is very common. 

The fact that the other children were immediately frightened by the clowns, but did not know why could be associated with having their memories erased if these types of aliens also abducted them. Hence, seeing a clown in person triggered their unconscious memories buried deep inside. One can see this as a post-traumatic stress response. We are not saying without a shadow of a doubt that Grey aliens dressed as clowns and abducted these two other children. After all, they could be extremely aware children and picked up on the fear response from the one child and acted it out. Additionally, they could have intuitively read the energy of the people dressed as clowns, and something was off. 

Now the remainder of this answer has nothing to do with the children you wrote about; however, it is interesting information that I felt was important to share.

As we know, the Human/Grey program has been going on for well over 50 years. This program is very successful, and now on Earth, we have many Human/Grey hybrids living amongst us. We have seen over the years that the Greys continue to abduct these hybrids, to check them out. You know, see what is going on with them, how they are adjusting and so on. Another reason why they are checking on these Human/Grey hybrids is to see what path they are taking since they possess both the Human and Grey DNA. That means they live in duality since they embody the “goodness” of a human and the “not so goodness” of the Greys. Okay, this may upset many that I would write something derogatory about the Greys, but let’s face it, they are robots and thus, have no compassion. Depending upon what type of human the Greys have abducted to make hybrids, the duality will be more or less extreme on the continuum. For example, we will see a considerable difference between the hybrids who have DNA from the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians, Alpha Centaurians, Arcturians than a hybrid that is made from humans who carry the Annunaki bloodline or have Reptilian DNA. There is more I can write on this subject but will end here and return to the subject of clowns. 

Michael, Tristan and I do not enjoy clowns, and we have met many people who don’t care for them either. That could be due to anything really and not an abduction experience, but something definitely about clowns that just seems off—well, to us anyway. There have been some movies as well depicting them as mean or devious. Wonder why? As we know, there is considerable disclosure in movies. 

You can tell that this question hit a chord with me since I keep on writing about clowns. I will share a personal story that has to do with my brother. About three years ago, when my brother was in the hospital and heavily drugged on pain medication, he had a frightening experience one night while he was asleep. He woke up because he felt someone touching him and more specifically maneuvering his IV, which was administering the pain medication. He looked over and saw a “short” clown. My brother said, “who are you, and what are you doing?” The clown in a very threatening manner replied, “I am playing some tricks on your medication to see how it works because if it does what I want, then I am going to the children’s ward to try it on them.” My brother yelled out for it to leave, which alerted the night nurse who ran in and turned on the light and whatever it was, disappeared. Of course, my brother did not tell her about his experience except that he had a bad dream, although he knew he was wide awake. He knew she would chock it off as just that, a bad dream caused by the medication. Now Tristan has always said that Western medicine is very “low vibrational” and opens people up to the 4th dimension, which is filled with these negative types.

Of course, the next day when we visited my brother, he told us all about his experience the night before. Tristan immediately said it was a Grey dressed as a clown and both Michael and I agreed since we could intuitively read the energy signature. Then we were asked the above question and wow, so interesting when I thought of what the Grey “clown” alien told my brother and how it was practicing the “tricks” it was going to do on the children in the hospital. 

Just to let you know the Grey “clown” alien never returned to my brother’s room while he was in the hospital. The reason being is that even though my brother was heavily medicated, he demanded that this being leave and it did. Obviously, Michael, Tristan, and I did a lot of work in keeping my brother’s hospital room clear of the negative types. I may write more about hospitals and what they are connected to since those days were indeed a learning experience. Grateful we are aware because we may have missed all of it. 

Now, most of you know that my brother made his transition over two years ago. When I was answering this question, I immediately remembered the experience my brother had with this Grey alien dressed as a clown. I went back and forth, “should I share this story, should I not” since I do require my brother’s permission. Well, a day or two went by, and I kept thinking about this, and one day when I was making lunch, I saw my brother standing a couple of feet away from me in the kitchen. He looked straight into my eyes and smiled; then he walked vanishing off into a genuinely magnificent dimension he now inhabits. I smiled too and said to myself, I am taking that as a yes and I heard his voice very clearly say, “That’s what I said. Yes! Share the story,”. Okay, just making sure! 

*We use the word abduction and/or abductee and not “experiencer” since we call it what it is. We do not “soften” the nightmarish abduction scenarios with words such as “experiencer” because by doing so, we would be telling the person who was abducted (kidnapped) that it isn’t so bad. Hey, you just experienced something, no big deal. Right? Nope, we call it what it is. Well, that’s awareness for you. For us, being aware is so much better than denial, justification, and all those other defense mechanisms that keep us locked into the 3rd and 4th dimensions.