The Light Flyer

This article was published in Conscious Centred Community Online Magazine and








The Light Flyer 

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

Rainbow Bridge to Conscious Reawakening 

 My 15-year-old son has been flying for quite a while now. Yes, he does enjoy flying on airplanes, however, the flights that Tristan experiences are truly magical and out of this World.

He began his travels before he was born and remembers flying with his light friends through the sparkling stars. They visited many different galaxies and flew with other loving Beings of Light. Even during my pregnancy, Tristan remembers periodically leaving his new form and returning to the stars. During these last-minute flights, he had many conversations with God. These discussions centered around his reluctance to go back to Earth for Tristan remembered many past lives that were full of fear, loss, and abandonment. He asked to stay with his friends in the stars who were always full of love and acceptance.

God told Tristan that it was very important for him to begin his new life on Earth because so many people on Earth had forgotten how to love and that he must return to teach people to love again. God reassured my son that he would never be alone for God would always be with him and that every living thing has this love and light within. 

It was also explained to Tristan that he would remember everything that he has learned in order to share this information with the people on Earth. This information includes healing and telepathic communication. Tristan was also pleased to know that he would continue his flights with the Beings of Light in our galaxy and other dimensions. I do have to say, that many times during his life, Tristan has enjoyed being on these flights rather than being totally present in his body, not always making it easy on those left behind. As Tristan becomes older, he is learning to do these travels through time and space and return here to Earth as he understands the importance of being fully in his body in order to experience life.

Tristan is continuing his flights with many Beings of Light, returning with much-needed information for the evolution of each one of us and the healing of the Earth. He shares these wondrous adventures with my husband and me with the same openness and honesty that he did when he was a small child. Tristan is bringing us back to our life’s journey, our purpose. By helping Tristan on his journey in this life spreading love and light, we feel ourselves ever expanding.

One of the most important messages my husband and I have received during this adventure with our son is the importance of listening to these precious ones with open hearts. With this openness and acceptance, they will always feel comfortable in sharing their experiences and the reasons for which they have come. By honoring us with this information, they are entrusting us, as parents, to assist them on their most important journey. In turn, their stories will help us remember why we are here and awaken us to our purpose that we held so lovingly in our hearts as young children. For it is the objective of all of us and all of humanity to become fully awake.