Soul Retrieval, Integration & Healing Sessions

Thank you for being so interested in the healing services that our family provides. Please be aware that this healing session is yours. It is not a magic pill. Our family views this as your step on your journey of desiring a more fulfilling life. We are here to help you get better and not just feel better. It takes a brave soul to choose this path of Empowered Action. We commend you for taking responsibility for your Journey of Excellent Health and Well-Being. Tristan, Michael & Janiece

We will not take on anyone as a client who has chosen to get the Covid shot/s. 


Soul Retrieval, Integration & Healing Sessions

When Tristan was three years old, he led his parents, Janiece & Michael, to work with Shamans. Through their Soul Retrievals, Teacher/Spirit Animal Meet and Greets, Journeys, and other valuable experiences they had with these wonderful Shamans, they taught the Boardway Family how to perform this fascinating and very healing journey work. After working with these Shamans for a couple of years, Janiece continued her studies with Michael Harner of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. 

With their Soul Retrievals, this family works together with individuals seeking to integrate all the parts of themselves that have been split off due to any trauma and shock they have ever experienced. That includes trauma from this life and any past lifetimes on Earth, other planets, parallel lives, and different timelines since they all affect us in the here and now. 

To further elaborate on why a person’s soul part can split off, we may see it as a defense mechanism or a way of protecting oneself. For example, if a child grew up having parents who argued excessively, the child may have protected themselves by splitting off part of their Soul and thus, hide from the situation. Many other reasons for a person’s soul part splitting off would be in abusive situations, accidents, wars, PTSD, being a witness to a horrendous event, and even living on other planets in other lifetimes that were under siege and also destroyed. These are just a few examples.

Another way we may experience soul loss is when a person takes a soul part from us. Often, the other person does not even realize they have done this, and on other occasions, it is a deliberate act of stealing a soul. We can see this in sexual abuse cases and any type of abuse cases, especially if they are severe. The fragmentation of a soul may also occur with people who were victims of cults in this lifetime or any other life. Many times there is a swapping of souls deliberately performed in cults. In this case, there are two cult victims, and their souls are swapped or traded with each other leading to much confusion, disassociation, and even despair for them in any life now or in the future. 

In the case of stealing souls, it is always about taking another person’s power away from them. It is said that one can never allow their Soul to be split off or stolen from them since, at some level, the person has given permission for such an act to occur. While this is true, many times, people have been involved in situations where there was coercion, or perhaps they have taken vows, oaths, blood oaths, and the like, wherein in order to “protect” themselves, they split off a part of their Soul. 

It is believed that when a person has experienced a shock to their system, part of them splits off, leaving an empty space within. These empty spaces often become filled with intrusive energies in the form of disease and illness and unwanted emotions such as fear and abandonment. Additionally, when this occurs, many negative entities are more than happy to inhabit those void areas within people and create chaos in their lives. 

If you are experiencing depression, anxiety, memory loss, feelings of being out of control, feeling that part of you is missing, lost or incomplete, inability to resolve anything that you have been working on to heal for a significant period, then perhaps a Soul Retrieval Session would assist you in becoming present, connected and more of who you are.

So let’s stop protecting ourselves and begin taking care of ourselves by being Alive, Awake, Aware, and Taking Action as the Empowered Beings we indeed are and function from our entire Soul. Our Spirit will be eternally grateful!

The Boardway family goes beyond a usual soul retrieval that only concentrates on retrieving any soul parts that have been fragmented off due to any trauma that one has experienced in this lifetime and any other existence you may have experienced on and off the planet. This family is unique in that they also heal the soul parts that have been fragmented before the actual integration. In this way, your soul parts are returned whole and complete with total ease, joy, grace, and glory. 

Michael and Janiece individually journey to find and retrieve these split-off (missing) soul parts, and Tristan performs the healing. Then they all work together in the integration of these soul parts, so you are once more expressing who you indeed are! It is a beautiful, caring, and compassionate experience and a genuinely wonderful gift to give yourself! 

This service is definitely for everyone who desires to be more of who you are and express your true self: Your Original Essence.

Our Soul Retrieval Sessions include the actual soul retrieval, integration, and healing and detailed session notes that include valuable tools.

1. One-hour remote session. We ask that you sit, lie down, or sleep during our session with you. We also ask that you rest or remain in a serene place for an hour or two following the session. This peaceful state will allow you to continue to receive the healing energies from the Angelic Beings and all the Beings of Light who work with us in the realm of love and the highest heart-centered desires.

2. After the session, our family shares our intuitive insights and writes comprehensive notes outlining our findings and recommendations that include many tools and techniques that will assist you in your journey of reawakening your true self.

3. We will email all of our detailed notes to you within one or two days of your session.

Skype/FaceTime Option:  For an additional fee, we offer a one-hour follow-up session to explore your notes further and answer any other questions you may have.  


Soul Retrieval & Healing Session  ($200.00)


FOLLOW UP 1 HOUR SESSION (Skype, Facetime or Phone) ($50.00)
