Inspirations from Andromeda


Inspirations from Andromeda
Tristan S. Boardway


I love being connected to the Andromeda Galaxy. It is high vibrational, and the Beings I connect with are very loving. In that Galaxy, they have a healing planet that many people who cross over choose to go to in their new form for more healing and to learn about energy healing. I am also aware of a music planet in that Galaxy, and the music is healing and high vibrational. Another planet is the garden planet and is really beautiful. I also call this the party planet because the Andromedans welcome Beings from everywhere and always have large celebrations for those that have crossed over.

The energy on Andromeda is very expansive. When I connect with the Beings on Andromeda and the energies of Andromeda, I feel very light. It is good for me to connect with Andromeda because the energies of Earth are not as loving and supportive of me and others. It is nice for everyone to connect with the energies of Andromeda because it is helping bring higher dimensions to Earth. 

In October of 2017, I started feeling stronger energies coming from Andromeda. Then my dad read an article to me about the Andromeda Galaxy moving closer to the Milky Way Galaxy. He said that many scientists believe this will cause destruction when these two Galaxies come closer and eventually merge together. They just see it colliding with us and causing problems because that is their awareness, but I see it differently. How I see it is that both Galaxies are expanding. I see a magnetic force connecting the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy together. 

I see it a little like a train with the engine being Andromeda with all the engineers, conductors, ticket masters, and other workers. The Milky Way can be seen as the train cars filled with passengers. The engine backs up and hooks to the train cars filled with passengers and then proceeds forward on their journey. The conductor from Andromeda dictates the direction to be taken, and the engineer is the driving force showing the passengers of the Milky Way the direction to take. The ticket master interacts with the passengers and assures them of their safe passage as he receives their tickets, allowing them permission to proceed to their destination. Then the passengers in the train cars move around and begin to interact with the other workers on the train that are from Andromeda. Maybe some passengers go to the dining car, and they meet some of the workers and other passengers. They begin to share where they are from and other personal information with each other, which expands their consciousness. Because we are all energy, when the passengers get off the train and go to their destinations, they share their experiences and energies with everyone they meet. As the Andromeda Galaxy comes closer to our Milky Way Galaxy, it expands us energetically.

I am sitting here with my mom, who is typing this up, and we are laughing because one of our friends from Andromeda is with us. She is the one who shared the train story with me. She actually had a life on Earth and became very ill. She was 10 years old when she died from leukemia on Earth. She chose to go to the healing planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. She has also learned a lot about healing and is continuing her studies, and she helps many children who cross over from this disease and other illnesses. My friend helped another little girl I knew on Earth who made her transition at a very young age. It is very sad for me to know that so many people, so many children suffer so horribly on Earth with a disease, but I know when they cross over and choose to go to Andromeda, they will be completely healed as these Beings take care of them and love them so much. I am very grateful that the Andromeda Beings are helping us so much in our evolutionary journey. 

To me, it is like the Andromeda Galaxy is going to hook up with the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda, which is evolving too, will take us into the higher dimensions. Although it will be a very long time for this hook-up to happen, the high vibrational energies of the Andromeda Galaxy have already begun to combine with the energies of the Milky Way. There will not be a collision because their energies are starting to come here already and integrate with us. It seems to me that it is a slow and steady process because their energies are currently making their way here before the Andromeda Galaxy gets here. That is nice because the process is gentle and not one big event that can be extreme if it happens too fast. With the Andromedans, they are gentle, loving, and healing, and that is how they want to come together with us. 

Janiece’s Contribution: 

Tristan is becoming very excited about the energies from the Andromeda Galaxy moving closer to us for many wonderful reasons. One reason is that our bodies will shift into a more energetic way of Being. It has been said that we are changing from carbon to a more crystalline structure, and just like a crystal that operates energetically, we will too. Tristan is very happy about this because he and many others already exist as Energy Beings, and as we all know, being this way has not been very pleasant or comfortable for these New Beings, which include many of us. 

It appears that we will be existing more energetically, which includes waves of sound, light, harmonics, frequencies, vibrations, and many other aspects that are beyond our human vocabulary and awareness.

As Tristan said, he is seeing a magnetic force from Earth bringing in the energies from Andromeda, and now the Galaxy itself is coming closer to the Milky Way Galaxy. Maybe that is why so many little Spirits from Andromeda are incarnating on Earth and have been for many years. In addition to bringing in these high vibrational loving and healing energies that make it possible for us to merge, they are bringing in their knowledge from Andromeda, which includes many amazing ways of Being and Living. One new way of Being includes operating energetically, and when we come from a place of energy, then we perceive much more than the 3D realm. As Energetic Beings, we become more aware of the energy of the types of food we eat, the water we drink, the people we are around or pass by in public, the buildings we inhabit, medications, herbs, jewelry, including crystals, and everything that comes into our awareness, even the non-physical. Isn’t that amazing? Well, then again, in this current 3D reality, when we become more aware, we must ask for that all-important Allowance because many of the things we become aware of are not in our or humanity’s best interests. In fact, when Michael read the article to Tristan and me about the scientists (that perceive in a more mainstream way) sharing their information about the Andromeda Galaxy moving closer and the words they used were “colliding” with the Milky Way Galaxy causing “disasters”, “destruction” and the like, Tristan became extremely upset with the fact that these scientists come from a very limited perspective. After much discussion, Tristan was able to have more allowance for these scientists and understand that they can only be aware of what they are aware of, which includes the education they received from institutions that only teach the limited and restricted information of the 3D World. 

Although Tristan is connected with many amazing and loving Beings from faraway places, for the last several years, he has talked extensively about the Andromeda Galaxy. We are extremely grateful for Tristan and many others who are very much connected with Andromeda, as we know that it is their consciousness and expansive energy that is drawing that Galaxy to ours, which is allowing all of us to evolve.

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