
Michael P. Boardway

Saturn3lighflyers – 6/27/19





I  hear a lot about frequency and vibration these days. Can you elaborate more on what they mean and how we are affected?


Thank you very much for your question. We asked Michael to answer this question because he is so clear in his explanation. Plus, he always shares through drawing for more clarification, which you will find above. Okay, take it away, Michael.

Everything is energy. It is the amount of vibrational absorption that is received and given out (transmitted and received). We can send out or receive varying amounts of energy since we are transmitters and receptors. 

Vibration is the amount of energy that is sent out and received. It is the power of energy in a cyclical fashion. 

Frequency is the measure of vibration in a given amount of time also measured as cycles per second, otherwise known as Hertz. The formal definition of frequency is “the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given time frame,” in this case, cycles of energy. So, frequency is the amount of cycles per second of energy given off by the source of whomever or whatever is transmitting. 

The picture above roughly shows how three people can have three very unique energy signatures. It shows that each has a different energy signature that can be measured in a given amount of time, known as frequency — otherwise called cycles per second. This is continuously occurring in the physical and non-physical world. Interestingly, a human or non-living thing can transmit and also receive energy at the same time.

In the example above, one can measure one second of a vibration, for example, and define that as a frequency, repeating every second. A more advanced (expanded) individual would have a higher vibration because they have more vibrational energy in a given amount of time known as high frequency.

The source of energy can vary throughout the day, month, year, and so on. Energy levels are different based on the subject or experience. For example, a person engaging in an activity they enjoy, such as playing the piano or that same person going to work at a job they find unfulfilling. Thus, energy levels vary and are not constant. If they were constant, then we would be robots.

When we say that the New Beings are bringing in a high vibration, we are saying they embody a higher vibration in a given amount of time. Thus, their power of sending and receiving energy is much greater. The theory being, that they are working with the heart-brain which is a more powerful source of energy. They are operating from their Inner Knowing. 

Everyone has a different vibrational signature, even though our energy levels can vary, there is a constant signature of each individual that is specific to them. This vibrational signature can be picked up by technological equipment and manipulated to where it can be disrupted or corrupted depending on what “information” is emitted to affect people’s specific vibrational signature. Once an agency gets hold of our individual vibrational signature, then they can manipulate or send corrupt information into our minds and affect our moods. One known technology is called Voice to Skull*. One can say that 5G technology is Voice to Skull on steroids since if rolled out, will be pervasive.

There are ways that we can learn to prevent this “Mind hacking” by others from happening. First and foremost, we must be aware of our vibrational signature. This means knowing what thoughts, emotions, and energies belong to us, and when they do not. After all, if we do not have self-awareness some of our thoughts, and energies may come from outside sources such as those in the physical or non-physical realms as well as from technology. Hence, the importance of taking the time and going within and knowing ourselves.

*To read an article that speaks about Voice to Skull, please go to