Rainbow Heart of Love and Forgiveness



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Rainbow Heart of Love and Forgiveness 


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.


Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening


People talk a lot about forgiveness and the importance of forgiving ourselves and everyone else. It is not saying that whatever the person did is being tolerated or condoned by us. However, it is about us not being attached to that person by energetic cords filled with resentment and anger. When we can go into the depths of our very being, no matter how difficult it may be and how many uncomfortable feelings it may bring up, when we forgive, we let go of our ego and our victimization and stand in our truth. If we ask for forgiveness from others, and they are unable to take that step into their hearts, for whatever reason they are holding onto, know that it energetically is working, and the healing has already begun. Forgiveness is an internal process since it is all about us and our journey of being more of who we are. It is truly a beautiful gift that brings peace to our hearts and souls and harmony to our lives. It most definitely paves the way for co-creating a World filled with love, compassion, and authenticity. We will share a forgiveness prayer that we have found very helpful in forgiving ourselves and others.

“Within the depths of my heart, I am taking this journey of forgiving everyone who has harmed me in any way, from the beginning of time to the present moment, whether they realize that they have hurt me or not. I forgive and release them from any obligations, vows, oaths, agreements, and contracts (including all fine print) that they may have with me.”

“Within the depths of my heart, I am taking this journey of forgiving myself for any hurt that I may have caused in the past, from the beginning of time to the present moment, to myself or anyone else. With an open and loving heart, I ask that anyone I have hurt to forgive me for anything that I have done to hurt them in this life or any other lifetime that we have ever had together. I forgive myself, and I release all of us from any obligations, vows, oaths, agreements, and contracts (including all fine print) that we may have together.”

When saying this forgiveness prayer, you may also visualize an infinity symbol in which you see yourself at one end and then see the other person (or people) you are working with the theme of forgiveness at the other end. Visualize the beautiful healing light (any color you choose) moving through the infinity symbol and you and the other person or people, and then say the prayer. It is very powerful and healing.