Cleansing and Clearing Your Home: Back to the Basics



Cleansing and Clearing Your Home

Back to the Basics

by Saturn3Lightflyers

Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway

(written 10/9/21)

When we cleanse and clear our homes and properties, we consciously choose to remove and clear the negative energies and entities and bring in the Pure Light Energies.

By no means are the house cleansing and clearing instructions exhaustive. We are giving you only a sampling of ways of clearing your home. For more information on the subject of the non-physical and ways to keep yourself and your home clean and clear, please refer to our book, Our Family’s Journey: The Nurturance and Empowerment of a Spiritually Gifted and Aware Star Child with Crystalline Energies and his Parents. We wrote an entire chapter on the subject of the non-physical and ways to keep yourself and your home clean and clear in our book.

Additionally, our book discusses spirits that come for a visit to give messages and lost souls and how to help them successfully transition. This article only addresses the non-physical entities that we do not wish to have in our homes, property, energy fields, and ourselves. Even our pets!

Before we do any energy clearings, we must clear ourselves. Over the years, we have shared information on how to do this type of work along with many exercises to help you on your journey of “knowing thyself” at a deeper level so you can “BE MORE OF WHO YOU ARE”! For a refresher course or if you are new to our information, you may refer to

Additionally, the complimentary copy of our e-book of Tools, Techniques & Visualizations to Assist You and Your Family on Your Journey with More Self-Awareness and Self-Empowerment, that you receive when you order our book from our website has many helpful exercises.


Let’s Begin:

You may do house/space clearings as often as you like. We have been doing them for ourselves, dogs, home, property, etc., even more diligently since January 2021.

Before we get into the reasons and exercises for clearing, we want to make an important announcement. If you hire someone to clear your home and they claim after they clear your home one time that you never have to clear it again, be wary. Additionally, if these people state that they can permanently get an entity to leave the house, question their intentions. When we hear such claims, our red flags go off for reasons we list below.


Red Flag Warnings!

When a person claims it is a one-time fix:

1. When a person claims that you will never have to clear it again after they clear your house, that is a sure indicator that they have an alternative agenda that is not in your best interest. 

Their claim means for you to cut off or otherwise shut down your Awareness. Think about it. What if someone comes to your home and has entity attachments on them? You will not have the Awareness to know it, and then the negative entity will indeed move in.

Why would a person ask another to stifle their Consciousness if the person was of the Pure-Light (as opposed to the false light)? Their message is, “I am the expert, and don’t question me.” Or they are aligned with negative entities and want to connect you to these negative beings. 

2. They claim that all you need is a one-time clearing because they do not understand the fundamental dynamics of energy that energy is fluid and is constantly shifting. Energy everywhere, including you and your home, can change. Sensing the shifts in energy helps you precisely understand what types of Beings and energies are hanging out. Again, this is about Awareness and not ignoring what you are perceiving.

3. We touched on this one above, but it’s worth repeating. The person is connected to negative energies and entities. Thus, they are connecting you with the negatives by keeping you unquestioning and unaware.

 These “experts” refuse to teach you how to clear your home by not giving you tools and exercises on how to keep your home cleansed, cleared, and filled with the Loving Light.

An empowered and self-assured person will always teach others and give the proper tools and exercises to their pupil as they know the sharing of information does not take away from them and only adds in the expansion of Consciousness.

Lastly, those who claim that you will never have to do a clearing again after they clear your home are coming from Ego—inflated at that!


What are the Best Times to Cleanse and Clear?

Anytime you desire and as often as you like. Be sure to do your home/space clearings when you have any repair and/or construction workers in your home and property. Even before and after you have company as those who come over can very unwittingly bring unwanted visitors. Wouldn’t it be outstanding if everyone understood energy and cleared themselves before visiting another’s home, business, etc.?


Physically Cleaning Your Home:

1. As you clean your home and property, spiritually clean them too.

2. Clean out any clutter inside and outside your home and also in your garage. When things are disorganized, it creates confusion and attracts chaotic energy that can draw in lost souls, negative entities, etc.

3. As you clean your home, visualize loving and healing light touching each surface you clean.

Declaration Before You Start to Clean Your Home:

I (state your name) declare that all dense, dark, heavy energies and entities leave immediately and never return as I clean my home. I now declare that they are now replaced with Energies and Beings that are only of the Highest and Most Loving Light.


Techniques for House Cleansing:

First, before we clear our home, we clear ourselves by using the healing and cleansing smoke from the sage and a rattle. The sound of the rattle breaks up the denser energies and cleanses our energies fields quite efficiently, which allows us and our space to receive the streams of light and healing from the Divine.

In addition to doing everything we outline below, Tristan uses the drum during the cleansing, as drumming clears any dense energies and the beats of the drum bring in the pure and loving Beings and Energies. Michael uses a rattle during the cleansing for shaking off the negative and bringing in the light. Rattles are quite powerful. After all, rattles have been given to babies since the beginning both as a toy and as a way of energetically caring for them and keeping them in the loving light.

I hold the sage and a crystal bell as we walk through each room of our home. The sage’s smoke is used to clean and heal, and the crystal bell rings in the Light and Loving Energies and Beings.

We also use our Tibetan Bowl, Rain Stick, and Tristan’s Didgeridoo, depending upon what we desire to achieve. For example, we find that the Didgeridoo sounds are very welcoming to us after a weekend of people visiting the mountain who bring all of their latest 5G devices, which are highly unnerving to the aware person and our lovely trees who find those frequencies quite offensive. Playing the didgeridoo and drumming outside is very grounding and healing.


Here We Go!

1. Light a candle. As you light the candle, clear your mind. In your mind or out loud, you may say a Declaration such as:

I light this candle with love on (state the date) to help all lost souls, spirits, and entities so they are healed with love and healing light. This candle represents the pure loving light of (God, Divine Source, Source Creator) and is warm, brilliant, and filled with love. As this light grows and fills the room, the lost souls, spirits, entities will be overflowing with healing energy that lifts them to the higher realms so they may be at peace. Thank you (God, Divine Source, Source Creator) for physically actualizing this Blessing right here and right now and forevermore. And so it is.

2. Visualize the candle filling your room with this healing and loving light. See the light grow, filling up every space of your home and your property. If you have time, you may include your block, city, country, and the entire world. 

3. Light the sage and declare that this cleansing, healing, and clearing smoke helps the lost soul or entity that you are dealing with, or you can say:

I (your name) on (today’s date) declare that all lost souls and spirits, negative entities and energies, etc., are now healed and can move forward on their journey. You are no longer stuck and limited with this loving healing energy that God (Divine Source Spirit), the Angels, all the Beings of Light, and I send. You are now free of your pain, suffering, and loneliness. Go forth on your journey, and consciously choose and create your reality with love, compassion, and reference to everyone, including yourself. 

4. Then, walk through each room of your home, clearing and cleansing with the sage. You can also pay special attention to any openings, such as doors, windows, heaters, and vents, as they are places where unwanted energy may enter. Additionally, sage all of your mirrors since they may act as portals. 


I declare that all unwanted energies, including negative energies and entities, are completely gone from myself, my family, home, and property, never to return. I now place the loving, healing light energies and colors (whatever colors make you feel loved and empowered) in every space in my house and property. My body, mind, and spirit radiate with the brilliant healing and empowering colors of (whatever colors you like) that keep us healthy, loving, and joyful. I now declare this to be true of each member of my family.

5. You may blow out the candle or keep it lit when you have completed the clearing. When you blow out the candle, declare that the energies of the candle continue to heal and bring in love, joy, and grace into our home. 


Additional Tools!

1. Another exercise you can do is sprinkle sea salt on all the outside doorways and windows of your home. Salt is a purifier and cleanser of negativity. As such, it can clear out very dark energies. 

 2. Additionally, placing salt in small containers in the rooms of your home is also an excellent way to keep out the denser and negative energies. Then after a day or two, flush them down the toilet with a blessing stating that this salt continues to cleanse everything it comes into contact with while it dissolves.

3. We use this exercise when feeling a bit “out of sorts” due to all the EMFs surrounding us. 

We place 1/2 or so sea salt into two small plastic baggies. When we lie down to listen to some music or lie down in silence for about 1/2 hour or so, we place one of the plastic bags under our neck and then the other plastic bag under our tailbone. 

When you finish, toss the baggies of salt into the trash, visualizing the sun or fire burning, cleansing, and healing the contents. That way, you do not spread any negativity anywhere. It is all about living Consciously in every moment.