I Will NOT Turn Away, Will You!

In our Blessings and Meditations, let us not forget those who are on the front lines every day. We honor and give thanks for everything they are doing. May they always be safe, healthy, and the light shines so brightly inside that they have the strength to continue their invaluable services. 


We decided to share this very appropriate message from our line dancing hangout, Wyatt’s, with all of you. We miss all of our dancing friends and cannot wait to see them again.




Later in this article, you will find links to informative videos that I have come across. I have even included links to petitions to stop 5G if you are interested in signing them. We live in a Doing Universe, so it is a good time to take Empowered Action!

I discovered the first series of videos, which you will find below, on another person’s website (Project Camelot), and what caught my attention was her title, “For those who know next to nothing.” I have to admit, the title made me chuckle. Since my family and I are always up to learning more to enhance our awareness, we decided to take this time to watch the videos from Fall Cabal. Well, interesting is that we discovered that we knew almost all of the information. Of course, there was other information that we questioned and asked Is that true? Is this possible? Are they setting us up for a fall? Is this organization a LARP (Live Action Role Play). Now I will say that we do not follow this movement in which the person is connected to who did the videos. We have heard some of this information; however, we sometimes find it to be a bit wishful thinking or what Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge calls “hopium.” We had already gone through that with 2012 when the “buzz” was that we would evolve into the 5th dimension. Even one person using a fictitious name said we would be in our “light bodies” by 2013. Wow, so cool! But alas, it didn’t happen. Although many people made excuses or pretended that something spectacular did happen. During those years, we reserved judgment because in 2011 Tristan said, the 2012 ascension into the 5th dimension would never happen since most people were still not awake. Michael and I both agreed because we knew that most people were unable or not taking the time to see what is really going on and definitely not going within and doing the work that is required to evolve. Tristan further elaborated that things on Earth would become even more extreme because it is going to take a lot to wake people up. Truer words were never spoken!

My point is, my family and I don’t jump on any bandwagon and follow anyone or any group. In actuality, we follow our hearts or, rather, our heart/mind. You know that place within us that Knows. Yes, our Inner Knowing! I remember over a year ago, Michael and I speaking about our heart/mind on a teleconference. We chose a subject that was about being Alive, Awake, Aware, and taking Action as the Empowered Beings we indeed are. However, our recording was eliminated from the show. Well, as Michael says, “self-empowerment doesn’t sell like good ole’ dependency on another to transmit something or activate them” with God only knows what. And really, can someone else activate you? Isn’t this giving your power away? What are they activating you with anyway? Really, what are they selling?

So back to my point, whatever it is. To be honest with everyone, I have been working on writing this for a couple of days and wow, not easy to concentrate for us High Vibrational Beings (because everything is important) or is the buzz phrase “high frequency” now. I guess embodying a high vibration didn’t work, so let’s make it high frequency since that ought to work. Right? Well, I wonder and let us return to Michael’s article Energy – Vibration – Frequency in which he states the following:

Everything is energy. It is the amount of vibrational absorption that is received and given out (transmitted and received). We can send out or receive varying amounts of energy since we are transmitters and receptors. 

Vibration is the amount of energy that is sent out and received. It is the power of energy in a cyclical fashion.

Frequency is the measure of vibration in a given amount of time, also measured as cycles per second, otherwise known as Hertz. The formal definition of frequency is “the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given time frame,” in this case, cycles of energy. So, frequency is the amount of cycles per second of energy given off by the source of whomever or whatever is transmitting. 

In truth, my family and I believe it to be High Awareness because, after all, when we are aware of everything, would that not mean that we are fully embodied, with all of our memories intact? Thus, if we are operating with High Awareness, would we have a Powerful Energy, a High Vibration, and a High Frequency? Plus, Tristan wrote about this subject in a book chapter for another author entitled, “The Gift of Awareness” so we take it very seriously. Furthermore, every child we have met who resonates at a high vibration is extremely Aware! So High Awareness it is.

So in the spirit of High Awareness, we decided to share the videos from Fall Cabal below. The information contained in the 10 part videos (part 5 is missing. Perhaps too much truth?) will be shocking for some who have lived in their “safe little protective bubble” and only desire “positive” information. And would that not mean that a person who only wants to see the positive and deny the negative is living in judgment, fear, and perpetuating duality? 3D attributes for sure!

Now interesting, this also brought up my memory of an email we received from a person a while back. In the email, the person wrote that I had “gone too far” when I shared Dr. Tenpenny’s article regarding the topic of Vaccines, Transhumanism, and AI. Wow, I did not even write the article, although I wished I had since it was superb. What is that old saying, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” Haha! I thought about this person’s words and thought my goodness by sharing some very compelling information that is going too far? No, I don’t think so, and in fact, I know so. Who I believe has gone too far past the point of no return are those who are involved in harming babies and children through trafficking, sexually abusing, torturing, sacrificing, and other heinous actions. So basically, what I am hearing is that if we ignore these evil actions, they do not occur? What if becoming aware of what is going on, breaks through all the illusions so we actually can ascend. What if we looked at everything squarely in the face, and demand,

“I know what you are doing. It is unacceptable, and you must stop at once and face the consequences. You cannot hide any longer! I will not allow it because I am Alive, Awake, Aware, and taking Action as the Empowered Being, I AM!”

I guess denial never worked for me. All those defense mechanisms such as denial, minimizing, rationalizing, justifying, and so many more are just ways that one can perhaps “feel better.” You know, if by pretending these things never happen, one can pretend they are happy. But as I wrote, it is all pretend and how does fooling oneself helps in their evolution. Well, I am sure someone will come up with some wild justification for that one. I have  come to see that instead of defending against knowing something, we must look whatever it is square in the face and demand “that this has got to stop now!” Additionally, if the Universe has a “checks and balance system,” would that not include bringing those who are involved to justice?”

As my family and I see it, High Awareness is the way to Unlimited Possibilities, Expansion and Evolution!

When it comes to bringing out information that is going to lead to High Awareness, especially when it comes to children, I am going for it.

I agree with those all so smart dolphins in the movie, Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe who sang the verse:

Perhaps you decide to unsubscribe because I have “gone too far” by bringing out awareness. Well, I will probably go further because bringing out what is really going on is vital for our evolution. We have to know what is going on or we will be doomed to repeat it again. I mean, really, how can anyone evolve without High Awareness? They can pretend, but it is just fantasy. 

Speaking of fantasy, did anyone see The Matrix movie? Obviously, our family chose to take the red pill and not the blue pill that leads to the 8th Sphere of delusion, trickery, and confusion, as Rudolf Steiner described. As I see it, the 8th Sphere is where people “pretend” they are in the 5th and higher dimensions. We see it all the time as people say they are “already living in the 5th dimension”. I first heard that statement made ten years ago by someone on a radio show. My Inner Knowing loudly said, “I don’t think so,” and I continued asking questions for more awareness on the subject.

Interestingly enough, we saw one person by chance (or for more awareness?) in the summer who claimed that they were “already living in the 5th dimension.” Quite an odd statement for this person to make because this person had tattoos of Illuminati symbolism, negative aliens, and the insectoid race all over their body. Then a friend of mine shared a video with a person saying that we will have Unity Consciousness in the 5th dimension. All the while, the person’s hair was combed in a way that was covering one of their eyes. Again the “All-Seeing Eye” is an Illuminati Symbol. What is going on? Why would these people who claim to be very spiritual and “already living in the 5th dimension” support The Illuminati, who are a group that is involved in evil doings? 

It is time to cut through the baloney because, as far as I am concerned, the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Satanists, and their off-planet Handlers have gone too far!

I Will NOT Turn Away, Will You?

However, if you decide that I went to far in sharing this information and videos and choose to leave our list, then I will again join the dolphins in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe and sing

So Long, So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

You may hear the entire song by clicking the picture below. We find the dolphins to be extremely Aware!

Fall Cabal’s Video entitled Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtjTRYrF8X4  This video series has ten parts, although Part 5 is missing as I wrote above. 

I recently discovered Part 5 of Fall Cabal’s Video on Bitchute. To watch Part 5, please go to https://www.bitchute.com/video/aYfZqy5gWmE0/

The next videos are also from Fall Cabal. This time their subject is the Coronavirus. There are three videos, starting with COVID-19 Part 1:

Tristan was impressed because they got that this virus is a biological weapon and not natural. We knew this information in January when we first heard of the Coronavirus. How this awareness came to us is that some emotions were coming up for Tristan, and I suggested that he do some writing. You know, go within, do the work, get to the source so you can resolve and heal whatever is coming up for you. Tristan started to journal, and I thought what was surfacing for him would be a past life during a plague or pandemic, but I was completely wrong! What surfaced for Tristan was a life in Ancient Egypt where he was poisoned. Since poison is human-made, we immediately knew this was giving us information on the Coronavirus and that it was, in fact, a biological weapon. Then in February, people started talking about what our awareness told us in January. 

And by the way, there was no agreement for people to get this bioweapon virus and take it off planet. Just another story to get us distracted from what is really going on. Perhaps these people were storytellers in another life. That’s great and definitely has it’s place, but let’s stick to what is really going on.

And what is going on? Is this bioweapon virus part of the depopulation agenda that went wrong? Many say that it was unleashed by mistake and sooner than The Illuminati planned. Is it part of the UN’s New World Order to implement control over us? Raise your hand if you are in your house! Is this an exercise in implementing Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? As an official in the prior US administration said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Is that what we see now that this virus is upon us? 

Is the coronavirus a ruse? I heard one person say that no one is dying. Another said it was just the elderly who are dying from this virus. My first thought was they are old, so no big deal because they are going to die anyway? Bizarre as it sounds, I heard that narrative, which seems a bit like those who think it is okay to commit infanticide. And why would that be okay? After all, they are humans and have every birthright to thrive. I don’t know about anyone else, but I desire to live in a world that the elderly, fetuses-little spirits, babies, children, and every living thing THRIVES!

And why the lockdown? Is it to keep us safe? And if so, from what. What else is going on behind the scenes? Are the White Hats (good guys) rounding up the pedophiles and drug cartels? Usually those two go hand in hand. Why do they need to bring in the national guard? Do they think people who are unaware will riot when their favorite celebrities are arrested for their heinous acts against children? And what are all the coded messages from one celebrity to another really telling us? My friend shared one where a personality was warning their celebrity friend to run. Can they not see the “‘forrest’ for the trees?” Why are many celebrities looking disheveled, pale, more their age? Not enough magic elixir going around? One thing I know is that more arrests of baby and child traffickers have been made during the last three years than in the years before. Tons more! Look it up and do some research. 

Why all the earthquakes? Are they rescuing all the babies and children from the underground bases where they are held captive and then blowing up these underground bases causing the earthquakes?  

Are the hospital tents set up in various parks trauma centers to care for those rescued? And what about those Naval ships off the East and West Coast of the US. Are they also trauma centers for those rescued from these underground bases? 

I am not saying this is true or false. I am just asking questions because questions lead to awareness. Remember High Awareness is the Key or is it the Code. You know what I mean since so many people have the “key” or “code” that will “set you free” or “quicken your ascension” or whatever words they use for marketing their “magic pill.”  

As my family and I have said many times before, it is an inside job! Everything we require to evolve is within us. 

And what about those days of darkness that are said to happen pretty soon? Will they happen? Maybe or maybe not. I am already hearing people who first started talking about the ten days of darkness, now say seven days of darkness or even five or is it three days of darkness. Well, I think there has been a lot of darkness for a long time, and that is why these New Children, the New Beings, have come in with their light shining so brightly. Are you going to shine your light so brightly that you uncover everything that is hiding? Are you brave enough to do that? Because you know what that means right? You must first go within and search out everything that is not in plain sight, look at it squarely in the face, process it, and heal it all. It is a journey for the brave, for sure! So are you in? 

Hey, our friends from Andromeda tell us that they did not ascend by giving their power away to others. They did it and continue to do the work it takes to be Alive, Awake, and Aware and take the Action as the Empowered Beings they genuinely are! 

If you are still here, I am delighted because this journey is for the serious people who listen to their Soul and know, “wow, there is more to it than Rainbows and Unicorns”. Hey, I know our family has the title “Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening,” so we do love rainbows. How that statement originated was because we thought all those years ago how amazing it would be to take this journey of evolution on a bridge with all the colors of the rainbow to assist us in our healing. 

As we all know, the Rainbow Rays of Light represent the seven primary colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. These colors are very personal to each of us since they represent our chakras and, thus, our energy fields. 

When we look at a rainbow in the skies, it activates the seven rays of light within us. That is very important since bringing in those colors for our eyes to see The Full Spectrum of Light; it changes any of our perceptions that we have taken on that are illusions. With this deception removed, our nervous system and parasympathetic systems return to their original purposes and functions. When we fully receive The Full Spectrum of Light without any judgments, expectations, projections, and totally in his pure form, then it can do what it is meant to do and activate us fully. You see, it is a natural process. 

You may hang crystal prisms in your home to bring in the rainbow light. We have many hanging in the windows, and they are beautiful as they bring in the Full Spectrum of Light!

Just to let you know, we love the unicorns too and visit them quite regularly on a magnificent planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. 




I am always adding more information on staying healthy and enhancing your immune system, etc., at
