Exercise for Welcoming Home Your Memories – Part 2

Exercise for Welcoming Home Your Memories and Being More of Who You Are
Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.
www.saturn3lightflyers.com – 6/11/19

In this Part 2 of Reclaiming and Embodying our Memories, we will share an exercise on what to do now that we have started to recover our memories. If you have not read that article and have not begun recovering your memories, it may be a good time to do so if you are doing the work it takes to evolve. You may find the article at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/reclaiming-and-embodying-our-memories/ if you are interested. Additionally, if you have not begun your journey of being more of who you are, ask yourself why? Do you not trust yourself? Are you afraid of the memories that may surface? Do you look outside yourself for others to activate you or transmit some “new energy” to you, thinking that’s what it takes to evolve? What is holding you back from self-exploration, self-awareness, self-empowerment, and genuinely evolving? 

For those who are doing the work, now that you have recovered some of your memories, what are you supposed to do with them? A very simple exercise that my family has found helpful is through visualization. First, you will visualize a place that you find comforting and nurturing. It could be a garden, beach, meadow, blue grotto, or a room in your home. Perhaps your imagination sores, and you visualize other places, such as a space in higher dimensions where you find a room filled with healing crystals. Maybe even gardens filled with crystal flowers and trees or even crystalline waterfalls and ponds that are all the colors of the rainbow or any color or colors you choose. This visualization is your’s, so be innovative in creating your very own nurturing, loving, and healing space. 

Now think about your recovered memories and bring them gently, one by one, into your mind. For example, the first memory you retrieved may have been from a childhood experience. See yourself at the age where you experienced a trauma, loss, or anything that caused you to fragment off that part of you. Of course, it doesn’t have to be from childhood and could be any age in your life. Just see that you at any age you choose to work with first and visualize “that you” in the lovely and nurturing place you have chosen. Envision yourself at your current age, welcoming in that fragmented self, and look deeply into each other’s eyes. When it is time, start a conversation. Ask that part of you what they require right now to feel safe, nurtured, accepted, and loved. Do they require that you listen to them more and honor them? Do they require more creative time, time in nature, time alone, or time with others? Perhaps they would enjoy spending time with you in the pond of crystalline healing waters flowing from the rainbow waterfall during your visualization. It could also be both of you walking on the path in the garden full of crystal flowers. As both of you step by each crystal flower, it sends the healing energy you require. Whatever comes to you is appropriate for you as you know what you require to embrace and embody yourself fully. 

Then visualize more of your fragmented parts and start a conversation with them just as you did above. Ask them what they desire and require so they once again can be reunited and welcome them home. With each of their returns, go within and be with yourself. How do you feel? Whatever feelings come up are appropriate, and please process them any way you think appropriate. 

When you begin to remember, reclaim and embody lost memories from this life, you may start to have memories of other lives. This is a very natural process since now that you have reclaimed more of your memories from this lifetime, you are expressing your true self because you have fewer “gaps” in memory. Thus, a person is living with more awareness and consciousness of one’s self, which includes reawakening all of our existence. When memories from other lives occur through visions, feelings, or thoughts, acknowledge and trust yourself and your inner knowing and begin to work with these memories from other lives, just as you did with your memories from this life. 

It is vital to continue communicating, listening to, nurturing, and loving these parts of yourself because they are a part of you; they are you. They will let you know when you are not paying attention to them. Perhaps an old feeling comes up for you, or you are not feeling “whole” since you have denied a part of yourself or cut off your awareness. Whatever it is, that is a sign telling you to go within and see which part of you is not being acknowledged. Then go to work and once again, you will feel, be and express your true self.

Now, if you are not a visual person, you can do this exercise by writing or talking to yourself and opening up a dialog between you and those fragmented parts of you. 

As we continue to navigate our way in this ever-changing World with the multitudes of information when we have and be “more of who we truly are,” we have more clarity. We are no longer looking outside for answers, operating with “knee-jerk” reactions, or cutting off our awareness by not listening to or denying our inner knowing since by taking this journey of reclaiming, healing, and embodying our memories; we are a fully integrated functioning empowered person. And as such, we can discern any information we hear, whether it is the truth, falsity, or even truth, with some deception attached. When we proceed on this journey of going within and uncovering, healing, and reclaiming our memories, we can move forward in our lives with more awareness, discernment, clarity, and empowerment.