Time to Connect: Telepathy, Communicating Energetically, Creativity, Atlas Comet Energy

Time to Connect: 

Telepathy, Communicating Energetically, Heart to Heart

(Connection, Calm-Centeredness, Creativity, Atlas Comet Energy, Rudolf Steiner & More)

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.


Do you remember a couple of weeks ago that I wrote in an article, “It is a time for connection, creativity and calm centeredness”? Let’s take that a bit further, shall we? 

Connecting Meaningfully

In the spirit of connecting with others, why not engage in connecting more meaningfully. That is why my family and I are connected so meaningfully! Hey, I wrote an entire chapter in our book about that topic because it is so important.

Here is a great exercise to do with family and friends that will assist in expanding your consciousness and keep you connected. It is especially crucial if we have a day or so of darkness that includes the shut down of electronics. Oh my, what will people do if they don’t have their cell phones to communicate with others? If that brings up anything for anyone reading this, you may journal your feelings. You can also continue reading and learn the exercise.

Starting today, why not talk (via email or telephone) with a friend or family member and decide on a convenient time for you to connect every day. Perhaps it will be for five minutes every day that you will consciously connect. And not by email, telephone, and social media. 

At the designated time, you stop what you are doing and think of the person you are doing this exercise with, and they will think of you. Allow your heart to open up and feel it! Be present and in the moment, and connect meaningfully with them. What we do is send vivid pictures of the message we are sending them as well as the loving and joyful emotions we are feeling. I always do this with my friend in Australia, and whatever I am thinking, she will write and use the word or phrase I was thinking about, such as last week when I thought, “Twilight Zone.” I received an email from her later that day, and sure enough, she wrote “Twilight Zone.” I forgot to tell her this, but yeah, pretty sure she knows already! 

How fun to start this exercise today, and I am sure many of you do this already, as how many times when you think of a person with the emotions and proper energy, do they call or write? Since we do this already, why not be conscious of your actions. Remember, it is about ReAwakening and Re-Remembering Consciously, not unconsciously! So obviously, with my story above, you can practice beforehand and see how connected you are.

Additionally, during your practice time, telepathic and energetic communication, or if there is a blackout, after your few minutes of connecting, write down your impressions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you were sending and receiving. Then when you speak with the other person, you can share your experiences. Remember, we are antennas!

This exercise can also be done at home with others. It is so fun to do with children. You will likely find that you do this all the time with your family. As a child, I energetically communicated (heart to heart) and telepathically sent messages to my dad. Then a few minutes later, he asked if we would all like to go out to dinner and then to the drive-in theater. Great idea, Dad; let’s go. Okay, some of you may think that is manipulation, but hey, we all had fun, and really, I didn’t do it that much. I am just saying!

Calm Centeredness = Going Deep Within

Interesting topic, for sure! And how will I tie it into the article I sent out last week entitled, “I Will NOT Turn Away, Will You”? I have no idea, but I am going for it.

If, for example, after reading that article, you only thought that it was about discussing the information on the dark forces when there was a ton of awareness in that article, then perhaps something inside requires attention. 

When we hear or see disturbing news, how do we process it? Do we process and take Empowered Action, or do we react, i.e., have a knee-jerk reaction? Hopefully, one takes Empowered Action. As I have written and said before, taking Empowered Action requires us to do the work of going within and genuinely knowing ourselves. For us, it is a process, not a destination, as we know we have Eternity. However, we understand the importance of doing this work right now. Even during homeschooling Tristan, we always allowed process time since his awareness is keen, and some past life would inevitably surface! What a fantastic journey for Michael and I, who were entirely in allowance of Tristan expressing his gifts that, in turn, ReAwakened us, and now we Re-remember!

If you do not take Empowered Action and you may find that parts of you and your body are cut off, shut down as a defense to suppress something deep inside. At the extreme, one may even dissociate due to trauma. If we think about it, we have been under trauma-based programming for many years now—many lives now! 

Let me be honest; none of us (hopefully anyway) enjoys violence or hearing of others harmed, but if we ignore it, does it go away? When we become aware of something horrible, my family and I take Empowered Action. Whether physically or energetically, we get to work! We may feel utterly sick about what is happening because how could “humans” do whatever violent crime they are doing against another. However, we process instead of cutting off, shutting down, and suppressing whatever is coming up for it. We discuss it and what it is bringing up and then get a plan of action. 

In other words, We Go Beyond. Haven’t I said that before? The New Children/New Beings go Beyond this 3D reality, so why do we continue to push them into the box of limitations?

If my article (or videos) brought up something for you, write about it, process it, and be honest with yourself. If something in your body shuts down, write to that part of your body instead of shutting down further by coming up with spiritual theories about why these horrendous things occur on Earth. Write a letter to that part of your body and ask what you are telling me? Is there something that requires addressing? What does that part of your body require from you? Is something coming up for you? Is that part of your body telling you that there is something from your childhood that you have not uncovered and healed? Something from another life that requires healing? Are you doing the work by journaling and writing your memories, or are you cutting off from something? Are you working on embodying who you indeed are or just pretending, and whenever anyone brings information into your awareness, you use the defense mechanisms of justifying, minimizing, denying, etc.?

This is a great time to go within, connect to our hearts, do the work and ask questions. What is my soul expression? Is it expansive or constricted? Although I doubt anyone’s soul expression is to take a free ride or do nothing. That is a subject I will not tackle at this time because it can get into our DNA that has been genetically modified, so some may not get a clear understanding of their soul expression if they are connected to that not-so-pure “love and light” DNA. However, they may speak about it a lot. 


Let Us Not Be Bored-Let Us Be Creative! 


Or, put another way, de-robotize by getting off the technology and allowing the creative juices to flow!  

The list is endless, and in addition to the exercise on Increasing your Telepathic and Energetic Communication Skills (Communicating Heart to Heart), we also have our article sharing more practices to enhance your Intuitive Skills at http://www.saturn3lightflyers.com/part-2-staying-healthy-feeling-fine/.  

If your family (and friends) are open to this idea, share your experiences during Dreamtime with one another. With small children, they can draw what they experience during their dreams. Perhaps they (and you) visit some fascinating places as they fly the cosmos that you can all share.

Take time to look through your family albums. If you have children and teens at home, it is enjoyable to go through their childhood pictures and have them look at themselves at younger ages. When they see the picture, what do they feel, think, and what emotions does it bring up when looking back. If you had pictures of yourself when you were a child, look at them and do the same. The memories retrieved when you go to the family albums are fantastic. Of course, since Tristan was a child going through our family albums meant going beyond this life and discussing other lifetimes we have had with other family members. Since Tristan was younger, whenever he saw a picture of a deceased family member, he always told us what they were up to now. Then we all connected with them. Truly a meaningful experience! 

Do guided visualizations together. One person in the family begins the visualization, and then others join in building upon the storyline, with each person bringing in more creativity. You can always do this with your family and yourself. For those who purchased our book directly from us, we also sent the complimentary ebook Tools, Techniques & Visualizations with over 30 exercises you can do alone and with others. 

Read books: Okay, this is pretty obvious, so let me add a bit more. In our family, each of us will read a book, and throughout the reading, we will share the information with the other two and have meaningful discussions. 

 Learn about the Atlas Comet that is coming here soon. You can draw and/or paint pictures of the various comets with your children and learn about when they appeared in history. What did the people think during the different times about the comets? Imagine what they felt when seeing the comets during their time in history. For example, how did people in 1680 perceive the Great Comet? Who were the scientists, historians, inventors, mathematicians, and astronomers at that time? If you have a musical child, who were the musicians. Build a model of a comet with whatever you have in your home. Tristan and I sewed a bean bag comet using a material with prints of space. We sewed material ribbon on it for the tail of the comet. Then Tristan and I threw it back and forth, and with each throw, he would recite his math facts, or we said a verse that he memorized. 

As many of you know, by reading our book, Tristan was always interested in anything space-related. As we always say, Tristan flew in on the Hale Bopp comet, and that was the first word he said, “Bopp!” Not dad or mom, but Bopp. He always wanted Michael or I to take him outside and hold him; he pointed at the Hale Bopp that we could see so clearly, smiled, and said, “Bopp!” 

Also, go beyond learning the mere science behind Comets and feel into the energy of them. What are the comets emitting as they fly in the cosmos? Is it doing something more than only soaring high? You know I love Rudolf Steiner and used much of the Waldorf Education when homeschooling Tristan, so I will share a little information from Steiner. One of his intuitive insights is that the energy the comets release heals our astral bodies and reawakens the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculinity within everyone. In 2012, Tristan wrote about the Golden Pyramid Children, who bring in the pure Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. Thus, we have a stronger connection between our head and heart, or what we call Heart-Mind! It is important to note that the dark technology grids, which include 5G, can impede the flow of this healing energy. Thus we must be Alive, Awake and Aware and take Empowered Action in order to break through these grids of nonsense and connect to the True Healing and Empowering Energies. Hey, if you do the work, you may even meet a Real Crystalline Being, one of the New Children/New Beings in the Crystalline Grid. I am sure if you meet up with a genuine one (and not one in the other two grids of deception), they will take you soaring above and beyond to some wondrous places!