Saturn Again? It’s Question & Answer Time

Saturn Again?

It’s Question & Answer Time


Janiece L. Boardawy, M.A.

Question:  Why do you have the picture of Saturn in the background of your latest video on YouTube? I know you have the write-up about Saturn on your website regarding your name, Saturn 3 Lightflyers, but why would you use a name that is representative of a Satanic planet represent your family?

Answer:  Our family views Saturn quite differently than those who only see its connection with the satanic cult energies that many people discuss. It almost seems that one person began talking about “Saturn the Satanic Planet” and now one may spend the rest of their lives viewing YouTube videos on this subject. How did that happen? One wonders!

Our awareness and the awareness of many children we have spoken to over the years tells us that just like every other planet, Saturn was abducted and is being misused by those who do not have our best interests in mind. For example, when Tristan was quite young, he told us that when he had a life on Saturn, the Light Beings were very loving, kind and everything they did was to benefit all of life on that planet. Then as Tristan said, “mean beings” came and took the planet from where it was originally and changed the energy of it by using “dark energy machines.” In fact, Tristan and many other children we have spoken to have said that the machine on Saturn is very much like CERN.

We knew a 6-year-old girl who said that the machine on Saturn projects “bad” thoughts to the Moon and the Moon sends them to Earth. From what this little girl said, it seemed as if the Moon acts as an amplifier and when the machine on Saturn sends these “thoughts” to the Moon, they are increased and sent to Earth. Could these energies also be heightened by HAARP and the Chemtrails? And what about that Moon. As the remarkable and aware journalist and author, Jim Marrs asked, “Who flew in the Moon?” Apparently, he was wondering the same thing as us.

This same 6-year-old said that she had a family still living on Saturn and she liked to visit them during her dreams. They used to fly together on the rings of Saturn, however, no longer could because the “bad” aliens started to fuel their spaceships with the energy from the rings, so it was no longer a safe area to visit. She said that her family on Saturn was very sad that their planet was taken over by these Beings. We also heard from other children that Saturn was moved from its original placement in our galaxy. They said that was before it had rings around it. When the rings were placed around Saturn, it was moved to where we see it now. That was quite interesting information.

We also heard from another child that Saturn was a source of light energy and it used to be our Sun. This illuminated light energy projected by this True Sun (Saturn) allowed the levels of enhancement to come in lifting every living thing into the higher realms. It was a source of nourishment as well for every living thing. From what we heard from these children, Saturn is very powerful and was at one time expressing its true energies for the betterment of all.

According to all of these children, Saturn is very powerful and expresses the energy that every living thing can embody and “work” with to manifest and physically actualize whatever is required. When used appropriately that is. Perhaps this is why Saturn was abducted by “space pirates” as one child called these Beings and used in a negative way. This may also include projecting out the satanic cult type of energies that are programmed by the “space pirates.” If this is true, then what is our Sun? What energies does it express and how do they affect Earth and all of us? What are the solar storms and flares about? How do they affect Earth and all of us? How do they affect the galaxy? And more importantly, what would it take to return all of our planets and “real” celestial bodies back to their original high vibrational form?

Getting back to the question, our family does not see the original essence of Saturn as being a Satanic planet. In actuality, we view it as being very powerful in the best sense and energy of the word. However, it is like everything else including technology. It can be used for the good of all or it can be used in nefarious ways. It is our declaration for our family that in every message we share and in everything we do and be, it is with integrity.

As Tristan shared, his parents on Saturn are doing their part in returning the planet to its original purposes. We seem to be doing the same here on Earth and we are sure this is true in other places since it appears that we are all going through similar experiences, as we are all evolving. Well, maybe not everyone, but that’s another subject. Isn’t it wonderful to know that so many of us are working together in this magnificent adventure?

As for the backdrops that we use in our videos, Tristan loves to edit and put things together and really enjoys choosing a picture that ties into the theme of our videos. Perhaps he had some insight into the fact that there have been so many negative discussions about Saturn over the years that he chose the picture purposely to invite a dialog. It seemed to fit the subject matter of our video since it was about Embodying our Awareness. Now that I think of it, I am quite sure he knew what he was doing! Additionally, when I asked him about using the picture of our Saturn logo, he said, “mom, it is more interesting for people to look at that picture than to see a wall with you and Dads’ framed diplomas and Dad’s licenses and certificates.” Oh okay, you got me there Tristan. What were Michael and I thinking!

written 5/2018