Nature is Calling: Are You Listening?

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Nature is Calling: Are You Listening


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening

We have always had the desire to spend time in nature, especially since we live in the mountains. We can glance out the window of our home and see trees, trees, and more trees. The trees on our property have always been very lively. Every Spring for many years, I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning by their conversations that were filled with excitement when the birds began building their nests. It seemed that every living thing was beaming with the joy and freshness of new beginnings. 

I have noticed that the trees have been quieter the last couple of years and no longer wake me up in the early hours of the morning with their cheerful conversations. Although I do continue to wake up early, I have to work more diligently to “hear” the trees. What happened that they are not as lively, carefree, and communicative?

By taking the time to go within and do the work, I sensed their message was that of concern and urgency. They shared that they were thirsty since, over the last several years, the trees and all of nature no longer received the water from the rain and snowfalls that were so abundant in our winters during our early years living on the mountain. Rarely do we experience the summer thunderstorms that brought a refreshing drink to Earth and all its inhabitants. Even though this winter we have received a bounty of rain and snowfall and the trees and plants are pleased to receive this water, their messages continue with a sense of unease. There is something more going on, but what is it?

The trees reminded me that for the first time last summer, my family and I noticed that there were portions on the leaves of the trees and plants that looked burned. Is this being caused by the chemicals that are sprayed in the skies? The trees are also feeling a frequency that is not in alignment with them. Could this be due to the emissions of EMFs from the cell towers and other Wi-Fi? The messages we are receiving from our trees is that they require our help. They would like for us to remember our connection to them, spend time with them, ask them what they require to help them, and listen to their messages.



It is very important to understand that trees are interconnected, and one tree can perceive the energies of the other trees around it. The trees can sense joy and also pain. They are very unselfish and care deeply for each other. They do have their distinct personalities as well, as you will read underneath the pictures that are included in this article below. 

As we take time from our busy schedules to connect with the trees, we will also become aware of their Nature Spirits and the Nature Fairies that are tending them. Many times it is these Nature Spirits and Nature Fairies that come into our awareness first, bringing our attention to the tree they are co-existing with or tending. I have found that the Nature Spirits will express themselves to me through my various ways of perceiving and then share their messages of how I can be a contribution to the tree they are inhabiting. The Nature Fairies do the same as well and show me the best plan of action.

Perhaps it is through visualization or energetically working in unity with the trees, their Nature Spirits, and Fairies that I can be a contribution. Other times a tree would like me to place some rocks around it or even move a rock or rocks to a new location. Sometimes the rock would enjoy moving to a new area, although I did not hear it, so the tree steps in to get my attention. I have learned from those experiences how they work together to create an energy of harmony. 


Tree Energy

As you can see from the picture at the top of this article showing Tristan standing on the dirt between the two trees with his hands touching the trunks, he has learned how to work with the tree energy. When you have two trees so close together, they are inviting us into their energy of strength, and steadiness and assist us with our connection to Earth. Sometimes Tristan takes his drum, Tibetan Bowl, or tuning forks into the forest or our garden to share the healing sounds with the trees, rocks, and all of nature. Other times, it is the silence that is required. As Michael says, “The void is as important as the solid.” 

If you have children, take them with you as you explore nature. Spend time sitting next to a tree, rock, plant, or flowers that you feel a connection to or your child does. Feel into the energy fields of the trees, rocks, etc.

Remember, everything is energy because everything is a series of energy fields that build upon each other, and it is when they come together that they take solid form. For example, when you are thinking of a person, you connect with their energy by resonating with their frequency, and this enables you to “feel into their energy.” Same as with all of nature and animals too! 


Inner Knowing

Many people say they cannot “hear” the trees or see the Nature Spirits and Elementals. That is fine because we all experience things the way we experience things. For some, seeing is believing, and for others, believing is seeing. Some just have an inner knowing or a feeling. Some hear the messages, and others have an understanding. Sometimes it comes down to acknowledging ourselves and our inner knowing before we can recognize and acknowledge our gifts and abilities.  

Of course, in our modern World, from a very early age, people are taught to only inhabit their left brains, which incidentally limits their perception. These people may find it difficult to perceive anything beyond the three-dimensional world. If you have some challenges seeing or perceiving anything while you are outside in nature, a nice exercise to do is to start taking pictures of the trees, rocks, etc. Then when you look at the photographs later, really study them and see what you can discover that perhaps you could not experience before. You may begin to see, feel, or in any way perceive other things that you were not aware of when you were there in person. I remember a story about a family that was visiting the mountain where we live. They were having a picnic in the forest when the dad decided to get up and take a picture of his family with all the beautiful scenery behind them. Since this was pre-cell phones, they could not view their picture immediately. It was not until they had their pictures developed later that day at the one-hour photo shop in town that they saw the mountain lion standing not too far behind them during their picnic. They were unaware of the mountain lion until they saw the picture. Wow, what a surprise! It even made our local newspaper’s front page. I wish now that I kept a copy of it to share with you. My point is that so many things can come forward in a picture that perhaps we were unaware of previously. And I am not talking about Photoshop. Michael’s favorite saying now when he sees some pictures that a news media has produced is, “Is that real or photoshop?”. This is a good question to ask at this point in this reality since anything can be manufactured to get people to believe a certain way. 



Information for Us

It is absolutely vital for us to connect with nature because offers information that is truly beneficial for us and our families. Some of the information that many people may require as the Earth changes occur. Perhaps if your area has extreme Earth changes, you will remember a tree showing you a portal through its roots that you may use as a passageway to take into hollow earth where it is safe and calm. It may also be the ground you walk upon that has given you an energetic message that this is where a portal resides.

A few years ago, I had many dreams about being in various places on the mountain as well as down the hill where extreme events were occurring. In some of the dreams, because so many things were occurring in the sky, people were looking up, screaming, and running, attempting to find safety. I heard a soft voice say, “Look down,” and I saw in the ground energy that looked wavy. I knew it was a portal and that I should go down into it. As I began to step into the portal, it began to open up, and Michael and Tristan were waiting for me. At that moment, the thought came to me that I needed to get my dogs, and both girls appeared next to me. We all went into the portal and were met by Michael, Tristan, and the 5th-dimensional loving Beings.

Other times, my dreams were filled with extreme Earth changes coming from the ground. Again, I saw people looking down and running as they attempted to find someplace safe. In these dreams, I always heard a very tall tree telling me to “look up.” The next thing I saw was a portal opening in the sky, and Michael, Tristan, and I were transported up to the higher realms, where it was nice and calm. Of course, our dogs were always with us. Other dreams showed me that the trees are pillars of strength and their branches with leaves and pine needles acting as canopies of safe-keeping. 

The messages I received from these dreams showed me other important reasons to be connected with all of nature. After all, they are connected to Earth and the Sky and bring us much wisdom. Talk or communicate in any way that works for you with the trees, rocks, plants, and flowers about the Earth’s changes that may occur in your area. Also, discuss with them how to keep you and your house safe and secure.

As with everything that my family and I share, it is out of awareness, love, and compassion. Will we all require this information? Maybe. Maybe not. But isn’t it good to know we have choices? If we are as alive, awake, and aware as possible, we can take the necessary action. The action of Empowerment.

Below you may read the messages we have received from the Trees, their Nature Spirits, and Nature Fairies that they have shared with Michael, Tristan and myself.

I apologize for sharing the above picture because it is so sad, but it is a part of reality right now in the 3D realm. The more we acknowledge the suffering of our trees, the more we can help in their process of healing and shift the energy of the land for the better.

Recently we walked in a part of the forest where we never usually go to, but for some reason, we felt it was important to visit. We discovered why when we came upon this very sad sight. As you can see, the one tree still standing is in shock as she looks at her friend, who was cut down carelessly and with total disregard. The rest of her friend’s parts are strewn all over, as you can see on the right. We have no idea why this tree was cut down, and it seems to be all too common an occurrence. Believe me, Michael, Tristan, and I have attended, and Michael spoke at many planning department meetings down the hill, and everything said goes on deaf ears. Our family and others from the mountain continue attending meetings and speaking for the trees. What would it take for these people who are in “charge” to wake up? Well, that’s been our question for the past 24 years of living on the mountain.

Now we have not left this tree to live in shock and have worked energetically to help it to heal. We are not too sure at this time if she will choose to stay. Although we do have a feeling that she desires to be with her friend since she continues to stay in her leaning position that she began taking attempting to embrace her friend. In fact, she has been leaning even more, striving to cradle and comfort her friend.

Again, we are helping by sending the healing energies to this tree, and if she chooses to leave, the healing will help her on her journey with more ease. Additionally, we will send the healing energies to the tree that was cut down to assist in its healing journey. If you remember reading in our e-book “An Interview with a Star Being and his Parents,” we wrote how a portion of our forest was clear-cut, trees hauled away to be sold, and the tree trunks left in pain and shock still in the ground. We spent a very long time being with all the tree trunks, sending them healing energy and getting them anything they asked for. Because these trees were cut down so ruthlessly, many of the nature fairies left and were afraid to return. We found that some of the tree trunks wanted the nature fairies to return so they could say goodbye and give them their thanks for taking care of them for so long. Tristan and I walked in the forest, calling upon these nature fairies and asking them if they would return just for a little while so the trees could have closure. It was a very loving experience, and now the tree trunks are at peace, and the nature fairies have found other trees to tend. 


We were walking in the forest by our home one evening and saw this wonderful tree co-existing with its Happy Squid Nature Spirit. Do you see the two eyes and smile with arms stretching up to the sky? Yes, it put a smile on our faces too! We loved how the Happy Squid Nature Spirit is bringing joy to our forest. 


This tree is what Michael calls a Tuning Fork Tree. As you can see, there is the main trunk with the two branches growing up into the sky. When we sit with our backs leaning against the tree, we can feel its healing vibration and hear its healing tones. 

Now, I will share an interesting story about this tree. In one life, she was a woman, and we knew her during our lives on the mountain as Native Americans. This woman took the children on walks teaching them to honor nature as well as how to communicate with the trees, rocks, plants, and flowers.

She was killed along with everyone, including us when the loggers arrived and took over. She longed to return to a peaceful life and has come back as a tree. It is so wonderful since she shares her beauty and healing energy with us on the property where we live. We are grateful!


One day this past spring, Tristan and I were walking in the forest with our two dogs, Leila and Annabelle, when we came upon this sea serpent in the log. Can you see its head, neck, and tail on the log? We love this guy, and he brought so much happiness to us, as well as the energy of water, since it is known as the Water Dragon. 

There is also the profile of a dog nature spirit that you can see in the log. She is outlined with pine needles all around her. We also knew this dog when we inhabited the Sirius system. Well, you all know how we love dogs. 


We call this the Messenger Tree. This Spirit Tree has one eye that is visible in the physical world and one eye that resides in the spirit world. Messenger trees are able to go back and forth between worlds and can communicate the messages from the beings of Spirit World to humans, as well as share our words with them.


This is another beautiful tree in our front garden where a few nature spirits live. Tristan has said that it is showing the snail nature spirit and two hawk spirits. The snail’s head is on the right-hand side, and the shell is on the left. Interestingly on the snail shell is the mama hawk with eyes, a beak, and feathers on her head. Her baby hawk can be seen in full form in between the two right trunks. Now you may see something different, and that is good too.


This is our manatee rock that Tristan found on our property when he was a little boy. When we all had a life on the “water” planet, as Tristan calls it, we knew this manatee. He followed Tristan into this life as a nature spirit in this rock and resides in our front garden. This manatee is sweet and brings gentleness, serenity, and love into our lives.


This is our wise fish granite stone that is located in the garden in front of our house. We say wise because in every picture we have of this guy, he always shows beautiful energy in his crown chakra. Quite amazing, and his messages of going within to gain deeper awareness and connection to our Higher Self are very much appreciated.


We really enjoyed finding this beaver and bear tree on one of the walks we recently took. I heard some chattering and discovered it was coming from this beaver that is situated on the right-hand side of the trunk. This busy beaver is quite a talker and full of energy. His friend, the bear, is located on the lower left-hand side of the truck. The bear nature spirit is very patient and kind as he helps his beaver friend balance his energies. Now they are both being looked after by the Tree Nymph, whose face can be seen just above to the right of the beaver. 


Picture of one tree showing the root portals. Now this tree is located on grids that overlap each other. They carry different energy from Earth, and when these grids cross, it creates a potential for a portal, vortex, and various energetic gateways. 

Sometimes when a tree is located on a grid of energy, the branches and trunk will grow in a spiral shape.

Thank you for allowing my family and me to take you on this tour, sharing just a few of the messages we have received from nature. We invite you to connect with all of nature so you may hear their messages and sense the energy that they so lovingly and generously share with us.