The Breaths of Healing Colors and Light


The Breaths of Healing Colors

and Light


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

As we are all aware, our Earth and all of her inhabitants have taken another hit by more of the Fukushima fallout over this past couple of weeks. This recent development along with all the other chemical, geoengineering, etc., atrocities occurring in the World is demanding our attention to the nth degree.

It is important for us to take action as opposed to being in denial or falling victim (there certainly is enough of that going on especially here in the United States) to the agenda of those who do not have our bests interests in mind. Whether it is during our prayers, (which really means placing our attention on something), meditations, visualizations or anything else that we engage in that brings awareness to what is occurring for the express desire of creating a positive change, we must step up and take this action if we and every living thing is to thrive on this planet.

As we go throughout our day, our family will automatically breathe the healing energies of light and color into whatever comes to mind. For example, right now as I am writing this article, I glanced outside our glass door and saw all the trees, rocks and dirt. It reminded me to breathe in the healing and enhancing color of green and see all of this light energy going into the trees and enriching them even more. Likewise, I do the same with the trunks and roots of the trees and visualize the healing light energies traveling throughout them and knowing that they are strong and healthy. Same with the rocks, flowers, and plants.

Furthermore, with each breath we take, picture the crystalline light purifying the air as well as increasing its pure and clean oxygen level. It is a sad fact that people are actually buying oxygen since their air is polluted. There are even businesspeople in Canada who are bottling air from their Rocky Mountains and selling it to China because of the extremely high levels of pollution. What does it mean when people have to buy clean air to breathe? It means we are definitely being messed with and like so many things occurring in the World, our rights are slowly and steadily being taken away from us.  So instead of becoming angry or becoming a victim, let us all wake-up and take action. It is our birthright to breathe clean and life-giving air, and we must claim this for each and every one of us.

Additionally, when we think of or see grass, Michael, Tristan and I visualize the life-enhancing shades of green and breathe that into every blade. When we do this, we imagine fields and meadows of grass expanding and growing. All the while, adding all the critters, flowers and everything else that will make the vision even stronger.

Our family does the same with oceans and all our waterways as we envision the beautiful and life-enhancing shades of blue and breathe that into all the water of the world.

When we think of all the whales and dolphins and other sea life, we visualize the full spectrum of the rainbow healing light shining in and all around them. We can contribute to those living on Earth by breathing the rainbow light into all of them as they glide through our oceans and waterways. They are indeed suffering in our oceans at this time, and many are leaving Earth.  Let us all help those who find it too difficult to be here on Earth at this time transcend peacefully and gently on their journey. See the healing colors of the rainbow light in and all around these magnificent creatures, as they are lifted out of the constraints to the realm of expansion and infinite possibilities.

We can engage in these healing and regenerating breaths, in every moment, we are awake and conscious. This very simple, practical and loving technique helps us be a contribution to every living thing. I know that my family and I would rather be a contribution than fall prey to the energies of victimization that are so widely prevalent in today’s world. Instead of being in fear and name calling, let’s be Empowered and get to work.

We hope you will breathe purpose and meaning into your day and your life. You never know, you may begin to hear the healing sounds and feel the healing energies that all of nature bestows upon each and every one of us.