Q&A: Awareness of the Energy of Group Meditations/Visualizations


Q&A: Awareness of the Energy of Group Meditations and Guided Visualizations


The Boardway Family


Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening

Question: Recently, my friend and I went to a spiritual center to take part in a guided visualization. About 5 minutes into the visualization, I started feeling energetically attacked, so I stopped participating in the meditation and just sat quietly clearing my energy. On the drive home, I mentioned what I experienced and my friend said she felt the same thing, opened her eyes and saw a negative Being standing behind the woman who was leading the guided visualization. She said the Being (who she said looked like a demon) was pushing its negative energy onto the woman who was in turn, transferring it to everyone in the group that was participating in the guided visualization. She also stopped doing the guided visualization and started clearing the energy. 

I wanted to know if you have experienced anything like this. I look forward to you sharing your thoughts on this subject. 

Answer:  Thank you very much for sharing your experience and being very insightful and aware of what was occurring at this event. Our family actually stopped participating in any group things such as meditations and guided visualizations years ago because of what we were perceiving. We also stopped going to spiritual centers because of the same reasons. In fact, we haven’t participated for a very long time in online group meditations for the same reasons you pointed out. 

What we saw was that the people at the spiritual centers, knowingly or unknowingly, were connected to these lower dimensional Beings and then brought them in during the meditations. Consequently, connecting these Beings to the people in attendance. As we said, not everyone in these spiritual centers is aware that they are connected to these negative Beings because as we discussed before, these entities may pretend and appear to be Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, and other Beings of Light. Unfortunately, many people have not learned to go within, question everything, trust themselves, their awareness, and ascertain who they are truly connecting with. It takes more awareness, diligence, and work and some people just want to “play”, which is a word thrown around a lot in the spiritual community. We also noticed an underlying energy when people used the word “play” that if you weren’t “playing” then you were doing something wrong. We always thought that our spiritual unfoldment was a very personal (no right way to do it) journey. Okay, just saying.

Additionally, we also noticed that in spiritual centers where there were channelers, especially trance channelers, there would be an inordinate amount of negative entities and many other undesirables. We are sure that there are some channelers who are only connected with Beings of Light, although haven’t met any. Additionally, there seems to be a mixture of Beings connected to channelers. Thus, the messages have some truth intertwined with deception, which can make a person receiving the information question their own insight. That may be pushing some buttons for some who read this; however, when one vacates themselves, allowing others in, anything can come into the channeler’s body. They may say that they are channeling Jesus, Archangels, etc., but are they really? We are simply pointing out that it is good to know what we are dealing with and those who we work with are connected to. 

We have also noticed that in-person group settings and online events such as meditations, can have in attendance “plants” participating that are aligned with secret organizations who are directly involved with Beings who do not have our best interests in mind. These “plants” seem to infiltrate these in-person and online events with an agenda of connecting the participants to negative energies and entities.

Now we are not saying not to participate in group meditations, not at all. If you do, just be aware of what is going on as you were on the night of your experience. To tell you the truth, it took us a few months of going to various spiritual centers and experiencing these types of situations before we finally decided that it just wasn’t in our best interests to attend. Especially when we and others in the group brought this to the attention of the person leading the meditations, etc., gently and kindly and they were not open in the least to investigate the subject further. 

Do we sound paranoid? For us, we just sound aware. That’s the wonderful thing about awareness because when things come to our attention, we don’t need to judge it whatsoever because that gets into the right and wrong, good and bad insanity of duality. We can just say, “Oh, that’s what is going on. No thank you” and engage in other things that are more in alignment with our energy and who we are. 

Thank you again for sharing your experience with us and also how you and your friend stopped engaging in the guided visualization as soon as you became aware of what was occurring. Additionally, by clearing your energy, you did not take on this negative energy that was transmitting out to everyone and thus, you did not transfer it to anyone else.

Written on 2/2018