Tristan’s Amazing News! 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & New Year!

Tristan’s Amazing News

I have some exciting news for everyone. I was accepted at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and will start in Spring of 2021. Right now everything is online.

Also, I am receiving my Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences this month.

I love my parents so much because they always believed in me and helped me in a reality that isn’t supportive of people like me. I am glad that my parents are Alive, Awake, Aware and Empowered! They also have shared so much information to help others be their True-Self!

We understand after hearing from many of you that you may have feelings coming up for you as we go through this time. There may be memories surfacing, unprocessed memories coming up from childhood, other lifetimes, and parallel lives. Additionally, many feel the effects of the energies, vibrations, and frequencies of the technologies that have now united with the implementation of 5g and the satellites orbiting our Mother Earth. As we know, these technologies can implant thoughts, emotions, and visions into our waking and sleeping states causing discomfort and confusion.

Over the years, we have found the exercise below helpful to us and share it again with you as you go on your journey of going deep within, acknowledging yourself, trusting yourself, and your inner knowing. 

We wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and New Year!

Visualization and Journey into 5th Dimensional Consciousness

As our family continues on our evolutionary path of uncovering, embodying and rekindling our true selves, we wanted to share a visualization that we find extremely beneficial. Going on this path of commitment to ourselves, we continue to go within to the depths of our Being to uncover any aspect that has broken off and is waiting for us to find it, heal it and embody it.  

There may be pieces of us that have dissociated due to trauma that we experienced during any time in our lives. Perhaps a person has experienced one or more traumas during childhood that caused them to dissociate. These dissociative pieces of ourselves may not remember the experience, but our body remembers, and the trauma may play out in various ways in our physical, mental and emotional bodies.  

Ascending into the 5th Dimension means uncovering and healing all of our parts within ourselves, so we become whole again. It may mean going even deeper than you ever have before and discovering any pieces of you that have been hidden in the darkness. Perhaps you may feel things that you have pushed aside, denied or have even projected onto others. This is a visualization that will help you go deep within and uncover any wounded aspects of yourself that are asking to return home.

Start to think about on a challenge that you are still experiencing. Something that you have often experienced throughout your life. Because this exercise is about uncovering the darkness, it may not be comfortable for some. Even though you may feel some discomfort or feelings that perhaps you have not experienced for a very long time, be patient and understanding with yourself and just be with these feelings. You don’t have to do anything with them. They only ask that you are in allowance of them.  So take in a deep breath and bring into your awareness any challenge, negativity, difficult experience or a block holding you back in your life that you know has been repeated over and over in your life. Know that by pulling this from the depths of yourself it is the first step in healing any programming that has been imprinted on you. 

Sit quietly and take some nice deep calming breaths and continue to keep your focus on whatever it is you are bringing into your awareness. Whatever challenge that has been dragging you along for a long time. 

Continue breathing as you place your attention on the challenge. What are the feelings that this is bringing up? Where are they being held in your body? Can you sense where the emotional, mental and physical pain is in your body? Now also be aware of your energy field and where you are holding any discomfort. Bring this into your awareness as you remember your challenge that you have been holding deep inside. 

Continue to breathe and go into the silence and just being aware of the problem and where it lies within your body and your energy field. Just take some nice deep and calming breaths and be in this silence as long as you like. 

If you begin to wander off into a nice daydream, gently bring your attention back because you know that this is a time to really go deep within and be aware. 

After you perceive that you have uncovered whatever experience that has been held so deep within yourself, place your attention in your heart center. See the beautiful loving light expand in your heart center. Perhaps you see the color pink in your heart, and it expands outward through both the front and back of your heart center. If you are having difficulty sensing this, go within yourself to discover what is holding you back. Is there a door that you were unaware of before? If so, what type of door is it? Is it a hidden door? Is it shielded? Is it a sacred door? Whatever type of door it may be, find the key and unlock it, walking through the doorway of your heart center. Sense the expansion of this area. This is where you find your True Self. Allow all feelings and perceptions to rise within you, as you know that this is the beginning of physically actualizing through your heart, your mind, your body and all the subtle bodies, your True Self. 

Now just listen for a moment through your entire Being, and you may hear or feel a gentle message that is being whispered to you. It may be given to you energetically or through a dream at another time. Be patient with yourself and know that you will receive the message in the way that is best for you. 

As you are now connected with your heart center and perceiving this area expand, allow the energy to flow down the middle of your body to your root chakra, down your legs, your feet and into the ground. Visualize your feet resting on beautiful crystals that are deep inside the Earth. What types of crystals are they? What colors are the crystals? What do you feel from the crystals? Now bring those energies from the crystals in the soles of your feet, up your legs, into your root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart, throat, forehead and the top of your head, the crown chakra. Feel, see and perceive in any way that you can, the powerful, loving and nurturing energies opening up your crown chakra with a beam of light reaching up into the center of the Universe. Now feel this connection that you have with the Universe and with Earth. You know that your heart is the connecting point of Source Spirit and Earth creating inner harmony and peace.  

As you gently bring your attention back, thank yourself for taking this journey into 5th-dimensional consciousness.