Connecting With & Receiving Help From Your Child’s Higher Self, Angels & Other Benevolent Beings


Connecting With and Receiving Help From Your Child’s Higher Self, Angles, and Other Benevolent Beings (written 10/12)

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.



Since the beginning of 2020, we have experienced tremendous upheaval in our lives. This uncertainty has continued for some time now and continues. Our children have experienced changes in their lives, and many of them cannot express their emotions deep inside. Perhaps a child is even non-verbal but feels everything going on around them. How do you help them and all the children in your lives?

Our family has shared information on discerning between the True Beings of Light and the imposters. We have created the Exercise below, originally written and shared in 2012, to assist you in connecting with your child’s Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Other Benevolent Beings, who may give you helpful information. We hope that this Exercise will be of assistance to you in understanding and connecting more meaningfully with your child. And as always, when doing visualizations connecting to other Beings, please always be sure that the Being who appears is genuinely of the Light and is who they say it is. 


Connecting With and Receiving Help From Your Child’s Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Other Benevolent Beings

by Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.



One night I was contemplating a situation in which I was requesting clarity and began to think back over the years with Tristan and how Michael and I have received information assisting us on our journey. Sometimes we would wonder what our next step was in helping Tristan in this life. Since we did not have all the resources we have today, we became highly creative in receiving the information and finding ways to help Tristan feel more comfortable in his body. By not having things like the internet for information nor making connections with others, we would go within, acknowledge and trust ourselves, and receive our awareness, moving forward in our inner knowing and heart center. I often remember waking up in the middle of the night to find Michael doing energy work on Tristan to help him feel more comfortable in his body. 

In receiving information, we have to say that most of the time, when we were questioning something, it would come quite quickly. Perhaps it was meeting someone, being guided to read an article, or receiving information in a dream or meditation. We always found that Tristan was guiding us to the proper resources that would help us on our way.  

A child’s Higher self, Angel, etc., can give us beneficial information when we require clarity and assistance around a situation. During those times when we have required assistance, we have used a visualization called Connecting with your Child’s Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Other Benevolent Beings. We have found that the best time to use this visualization is before we go to sleep. That way, we can receive the information we request during our Dreamtime. Michael and I find that before we go to sleep is perfect because we are always relaxed. It is essential to take ourselves out of the picture when requesting information so it does not come from our thinking or ego. It is important for us to make our wishes with open hearts and a genuine desire to help our children. 

Instead of giving you step-by-step instructions on how to do this visualization, I would rather explain this by giving you a personal example. When Tristan was about three years old, Michael and I were doing many alternative things to help Tristan feel more comfortable and assist him in speaking. Although we all could communicate quite well “in our minds and hearts,” as Tristan calls it, we also knew that since Tristan is on Earth, it would be an excellent idea for him to speak “out loud.” One night before I went to sleep, I asked one of my Guides to assist me in this visualization. My Guide immediately came to me, and we stood at the beginning of a pathway in a beautiful garden area. I explained to my Guide that I wanted to meet with Tristan’s Guardian Angel to ask for any suggestions on how I could help Tristan be more comfortable in his body and help him speak out loud more easily. My Guide and I walked on this pathway through the garden that looked like an English garden. We reached the end of the path, where we met Tristan’s Guardian Angel. My Guide introduced me (it was just a formality), and we had a pleasant conversation about the issue on which I requested clarity. I want to point out that we did all of this “in our minds and hearts.” During this conversation, I could feel Tristan in the garden playing with all the little animals and also the Beings of the fairy realm. It was quite lovely. When we finished, my Guide and I thanked Tristan’s Guardian Angel for her help, and we proceeded to walk back onto the pathway and leave the garden. I looked back one more time and saw Tristan standing with his Guardian Angel, who had her arms wrapped around him. The following day I shared my visualization with Michael, and when Tristan awoke, he told us that he had a dream that his Angels came to him and gave him something to drink to help him “talk out loud better on Earth.” That is when he began speaking more and using complete sentences.