True Ascension, 8th Sphere, Crystalline Grid, Soul Origins, Spiritual Frauds


The Journey of True Ascension

(Crystalline Grid-Soul Origins-8th Sphere-Evolution)


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.


Tristan drew the picture above, depicting Earth and the three grids surrounding it at this time. 

As we can see in the picture above, the original Crystalline Grid was created by the New Children/New Beings approximately in the 1990s. Actually, they began to build it before that time; however, completed in the early 1990s. These high vibrational New Beings made this crystalline grid so they could communicate with one another. As we know, most of the New Beings felt and continue to feel very alone, isolated, and unsupported in this reality. Additionally, because high vibrational New Beings created this crystalline grid, it matched their energy signatures. Thus, it is a place for them to rejuvenate, be nurtured, and be supported.

Being exceptionally creative, powerful, and adventuresome (cosmic by nature), they energetically created this Crystalline Grid so they could meet with each other, share information, and heal each other since many of these pure souls were and are having extreme difficulties living on Earth as a 3-dimensional planet. 

In the 2000s, Tristan began seeing things of a dark energy infiltrating the Crystalline Grid. Upon further investigation, he discovered that the Reptilians (most all of the races, including the Draco Reptilians) were building another grid filled with dark energy. This dark energy grid was completed in 2012. In the picture above, you will see this Reptilian Dark Energy Grid in the middle circle. 

Because of this, Tristan began spending more time in the Crystalline Grid teaching the New Beings how to be aware of and discern the energies, as well as Beings since not all of them are genuinely Beings of Light even though they pretend to be. Like we always say, just because they have a smile doesn’t mean they are coming from integrity. 

A very dear friend of ours told us a few years ago, when her son was only three years old, that he said to her that Tristan is an Angel in the grid taking care of the children. I remember telling Tristan, and he had the most beautiful smile. Yes, he is a busy guy and always looks out for the best interests of all.

Michael and I discussed the 8th Sphere in our video entitled, The 4th Dimension: From Deception, Division & Confusion to Awareness, Empowerment & Evolution*. The importance of bringing this up is that both the 8th Sphere and the 4th Dimension are intertwined with the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid as they all are a place where trickery abounds.

Rudolf Steiner wrote extensively on the 8th Sphere. Taken from Lecture 5 of Inner Impulses of Evolution, Rudolf Steiner said the following in describing the 8th Sphere:

“The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves and have again and again to suffer disillusionment.” 

Rudolf Steiner had tremendous clarity of our current reality in which Ahriman and Lucifer and other forces in the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid are attempting to distract us from our evolution and take us into the 8th Sphere. In 1916, he stated in Lecture 2 that humanity had yet to become aware of the strong influences of the 8th Sphere and postulated that these influences would become stronger and stronger in the years to come. Furthermore, when Rudolf Steiner looked 100 years into the future, he saw a period where great evolutionary strides could occur. When discussing the 8th Sphere, was Rudolf Steiner foreseeing what was yet to be constructed around the Earth almost 100 years later as an attempt to impede our evolution? Rudolf Steiner stated in the same lecture, “This age must learn, too, that THE NECESSITY TO UNDERSTAND THESE ATTACKS WILL BECOME EVER GREATER,” was he imploring people to wake up, become aware, and discern because he knew that this is the way to True Evolution? Did he desire for us to go within and have a greater understanding because he knew the 8th Sphere was the road to False Ascension? 

Perhaps he was also giving us a glimpse of what exists within the 4th Dimension and how the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid implemented even more ambiguity. 

What are the effects of the Reptilian Grid? 

1. This grid created a barrier making it more challenging to connect with the actual Beings of Light. That is especially true when people are more connected to their intellect than their hearts. When people are more connected to their intellect and operate in this limited place, they will find many excuses to not honestly do the work it takes to evolve and, thus, look to others. People in this state of delusion are easily manipulated into connecting with lower vibrational Beings and, therefore, transported into the 8th Sphere. Somewhere along their journey, they have lost their free will and only go outside themselves. 

When discussing this topic with Michael, he shared a story about the first class he took in his major, Architecture. Michael said it was an 11-unit class, which is quite substantial. As Michael said, “it weeded out the serious students from those who were not quite that committed.” He said that by the end of the quarter, he and less than one-half of the students he started with successfully completed the class. Michael added that this is how he sees the 4th Dimension since it is a place where serious people will evolve. Others will choose something else that does not require self-exploration, self-reflection, and self-empowerment. 

2. The construction of the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid activated the Reptilian DNA in people that were genetically tampered with, modified, and engineered, which means the majority since it can be said that everyone is some Hybrid. Although how one is affected does depend upon a person’s Soul Origins since a 7th Dimensional Soul is more evolved than a 4th Dimensional Soul. Just looking at two women, we can see how different they express themselves depending on their Soul Origins. For example, according to some, the first woman created was Lilith. She possessed a Reptilian Soul, which is 4th Dimensional. Consequently, she was extremely aggressive and outright evil in some written accounts. Since that did not work out, Eve was created. Half her soul origins were Pleiadian, and the other half was Reptilian. We can see that Eve had a soul that was part 4th Dimensional and 5th Dimensional since, at that time, Pleiadians were 5th Dimensional. Now they are expressing in the 6th Dimension. 

Just think, if Eve knew this information, how she might have chosen differently when the snake tempted her. Although depending upon the version, some say it was a serpent or Satan who tempted her. The point being, it was a Reptilian. Suppose Eve had this knowledge of her Soul Origins when the snake/serpent/Satan showed up and tempted her. In that case, she could have gone within and asked: “if I eat the apple, am I expressing from my Reptilian Soul (lower-dimensional self) or my Pleiadian Soul (higher-dimensional self)?” Maybe she would have chosen consciously instead of unconsciously. 

Okay, I am giving a very simplistic glimpse of the Bible teachings, and Michael is laughing right now because I don’t know much about that book. Sorry if I am offending anyone since that is not my desire. One thing I know for sure is that Tristan and I are good at looking at the players and knowing who they are and who they are connected to, as the question that most commonly comes up is, “was that a message from God or one of the Annunaki gods?”

If nothing more, the Bible (the old version) gives a great history of Aliens. Just think how different this reality would be if everyone were privy to the fact that there is some important Alien information written in all “holy” books. I was never interested in the Bible until I began to have the awareness that, yes, it gives us a great deal of Alien history and how it is affecting all of us and our evolution. Well, of course, we must use awareness and discernment. 

It is vital for us to know our origins as well as other lifetimes. When we have this information, we can consciously choose how and what we desire to express. When one is unaware of their origins and other existences and that this grid was put in place, activating the Reptilian DNA, they cannot consciously choose. Additionally, due to this lack of information, they do not have the awareness and, thus, cannot discern. After all, if a person was genetically modified with Reptilian DNA and is unaware of this, then it is easy for them to connect with the Reptilians. Of course, this is at an unconscious level. 

3. In addition to this grid activating the Reptilian DNA, it also regenerated the energetic barrier in the brain that relates to our memories. Hence, our brain and DNA hold our Soul Memories and how convenient for those who would like to keep us from evolving to activate that barrier. Perhaps I should say reactivate that barrier since, with the arrival of so many New Beings on this planet, people began to remember and break down that barrier, which in turn reactivated their DNA. When we remember and have full knowledge of where we came from, where we have been, who we are, and what we are expressing at this moment, etc., it is like the snowball effect. You know, as one memory surfaces, another one surfaces and another, and so on. The velocity of energy is so strong and purposeful that nothing can hold it back—nothing can hold us back from evolving. 

4. Another effect of the Reptilian Grid is attacking New Spirits, coming into a new life on Earth. My family and I cannot even tell you how many moms have written us since 2012 saying that their pregnancy was uneventful and went smoothly; all the tests returned that baby was doing just wonderfully. Then the baby was born with a severe problem. What happened? They were attacked in the Reptilian Grid. I remember Tristan telling me in 2014 that if he had been born then, he would have never made it. I believed him as he is a very high vibrational and pure soul, and the Reptilians and others do not desire for these New Beings to come in since, remember, the New Beings are coming in to assist us in our evolution. Obviously, nothing that exists in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions wants to evolve. 

Then if a New Being gets to Earth unscathed, there is a plethora of interference to harm them found in things such as vaccinations, mediocre food, water quality, EMF’s and so on. 

Additionally, beginning in 2012, we began to see some babies born with many negative entity attachments on them. This new development was extremely shocking since most babies, especially newborns, have always had such a loving and high vibration to them. I mean, they felt like they were straight from God, which is true. Just genuinely amazing energy they embodied and expressed. When Tristan was over a year old, one of the first neighbors we met when we moved to the mountains started crying and said, being around Tristan was like being in the presence of an Angel. 

All of this gave us awareness of how important it is to assist these new spirits on their way into a new life on Earth. We know that pregnant moms being bullied through fear tactics to get vaccinations throughout their pregnancy is certainly not the way to support their arrival and, in fact, is a way to modify these precious souls genetically. 

5. Another effect of the Reptilian Grid is to activate negative past life karma. That will keep us on that never-ending karmic hamster wheel since, if we do not have the knowledge and memories of our origins and other existences, we continue to do the same thing repeatedly. How is that a learning experience? Well, I am sure I can come up with some metaphysical or new age explanation that really does not do me or anyone else any good. But hey, it could sound profound as if I have some inside information that only “special” people can access. As most people who have taken the time to read my writings know, I am a straight-shooter (yes, that is coming from a past life), and I don’t go in for the fluffy baloney that builds up people’s hopes only to be let down. And remember, those in the 4th Dimension love to feed off that low vibrational energy of disappointment. As my friend says, my B.S. meter is set on low! Believe me, in the past, I have been taken in by these smooth talkers in the spiritual arena. As they say, fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me. Very true. However, when Tristan came into my life, I began to reawaken and see with eyes wide open. Yes, awareness is powerful!

Of course, just like everything above, it can only keep us in this perpetual cycle of insanity if we are unaware. When we understand what is going on, we can consciously choose to take steps to be alive, awake, and aware and be the stewards of our lives. Now I am not saying that if we are alive, awake, and aware, we won’t experience anything that we may perceive as unfavorable. Just the opposite since remember right now, the “old guard” is still trying to control everything. My family and I are always suspicious of those who claim that nothing “negative” ever happens in their lives since they are “above it all.” Yes, and who are they connected to? Perhaps these people are unaware of their origins and other lives. Maybe they are unaware that their Reptilian DNA was activated and, thus, are now connected with these beings. If that is true, then perhaps the activation of the Reptilian DNA and reactivating the barrier in their brain caused them to turn off their awareness, and we are now seeing the results. After all, we are given many opportunities to evolve. However, here we are, and people are still suffering; children are continuing to be harmed and killed and trafficked in the pedophile rings, and yet people are still pretending that they are the only ones that have exclusive access to the New Energies or Beings of Light and if you listen to their “transmission,” your life will be amazing like their’s since, after all, they claim they are living in the 5th Dimension. Yes, we have always had our snake oil salespeople. 

I am sure there are many other effects from the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid, but I believe I have written enough. It is essential to know that when we have the pure light, it burns off all illusions, so we see with clarity what is going on and take conscious steps that will propel us like shooting stars on our Ascension. It won’t take that long, either. We have to choose consciously.

And speaking of burning off, about four years ago, the Pleiadians, Alpha Centurarians, Arcturians, and other Empowered Benevolents have been using their ships to burn holes through the Reptilian Dark Energy Grid. That, as one could imagine, allows the true New Light Energies (the real ones!) to flow into each and every one of us. In our house, we always know when this occurs. How? We can feel it. When this energy comes in, we always like to ask where it is coming from, what can we do with it, and what would it take for us to receive and embody this pure light new energy with complete ease, grace, joy, and glory and share it with everyone. In actuality, it is very easy for Tristan since he already embodies the Pure Light Energies. 

Likewise, when we feel the evil aliens rev up their dark energy, we are aware of that and can take steps to take care of ourselves. So it is a spiritual war, and if we are to get through this successfully, we must go within to do the work instead of going without and giving our power to others. 

The Dirty Technology Grid

Now the third grid I will write about is what many call the Space Fence. Our family calls this the Dirty Technology Grid (DTG). The DTG is located between the Earth and the Reptilian Grid, as shown in the picture above. This grid is also connected to the Earth by all the dirty technology such as cell towers, Smart technology, WiFi, dirty electricity, etc. 

Elana Freeland is an avid investigator and writer on this subject. The following is taken verbatim from her website: Elana Freeland connects the dots between the satellite infrastructure of the national security state, the cell towers and networks of the telecommunications companies, HAARP, and the engineering of nanoparticles sprayed in chemical cocktails above our heads. What does this have to do with weather and natural disaster warfare? What does this have to do with mind control? What does this have to do with the EMF radiation making so many people sick?” 

With the implementation of 5G, which will be fully connected to and part of the DTG, the 8th Sphere will be closer than ever. 

For so long, the Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces have worked quite well together. One force causing humanity to cut off from their spirituality and follow false light beings and false gods. This disconnection has caused the dense and heavy energies that have harmed the New Beings, which many of us are as well. These Ahrimanic forces are also seen in television, cell phones, computers, gaming systems, virtual reality, and other technology that seductively distracts people from their spirituality. These people become addicted to the materialistic avenues of social media to receive their validation. But alas, what they find is a prison in which their Soul is held captive. The only way for them to have a sense of security, even if it is false, is if they continue to add more and more to their material selves, including having chips implanted in them because they are advertised as enhancing them in some way. As one can see, the forces behind transhumanism are Ahrimanic.  

The Lucerifian forces attempt to prevent us from true evolution and entice us to the Sphere of false light through creating illusion, delusion, detachment from others, subjectivity, reckless emotionality, and superstition. 

As one can surmise, the New Beings and all of us who do the “work” must be more diligent in getting beyond these two low vibrational grids to get to the Crystalline Grid as well as going beyond and connect with the True Beings of Light. How do we do this work? It is all about connecting with our Heart and Soul, and then we can see beyond the illusions. 

If we are not aware of the darkness of our time, the stronger these forces grow. However, if we acknowledge they are present, we can strive to be stronger on our spiritual path, and the pure light prevails. When we commit to ourselves, every step of the way is paved with wisdom, honor, and integrity. That is the true path of Ascension. 


*To learn more, you may view our 4th Dimension video at

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