Is it Really Important to be Aware

Is it Really Important to be Aware


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.

In our family, Awareness includes everything without judgment and gives us the information we require to take care of ourselves and our family. For example, a couple of days last week, by the afternoon, I was extremely tired and was starting to get a foggy brain. Instead of going into judgment and saying it is due to this or that and cutting off my awareness, I asked the question, “what is making me so tired?” I looked out of our clearstory windows and saw tons of Chemtrails being sprayed in the sky. I was very grateful for this awareness since it allowed me to take empowered action. I immediately began visualizing healing light cleansing my body, and drank a healthy drink, took some supplements, and did QiGong. Tristan joined in since he felt the same way. Afterwards, we both felt so much better and we were able to continue in our day with more ease.

Although the following list is not exhaustive, it is a good start in becoming more aware and taking the action as the Empowered Beings we truly are. As I read once, Ignorance Brings Illusion, Knowledge Brings Reality, Wisdom Brings Freedom.

1.   Book by Dr. Tim O’Shea entitled Vaccination is Not Immunization: The War on Children–2017
I learned about this book this week from a friend. Although I have not read this book, it sounds right on point and after listening to Dr. Tim O’Shea, I knew it was imperative for me to share with all of you. He totally gets it-the real agenda. You may find his 2016 presentation at

Do you know what ingredients are in Vaccinations?  and

2.  Secret Ingredients is a documentary regarding the health dangers of GMOs i.e., allergies, asthma, autism, Parkinson’s, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and on and on. We have been hearing from a lot of people that this film brought them much awareness and now they are taking empowered action.

3.  5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event
You may find more information on 5G at

4.   Still, don’t know anything about Chemtrails? and

Now, what do you do with all of your new awareness? Take empowered action. Well, first, we hope that you will want to take some time to process your feelings (or go line dancing like we did last week. Hey, the void-having fun-is just as crucial as the solid-the serious spiritual work it takes to evolve that our family is committed too) since there is way too much projection going on. I mean really, one cannot say a specific person’s name without “triggering” someone (triggering being the operative word in the sentence). You may want to read further on these subjects and what things you can do and what supplements will be beneficial to you and your family. Also, share the information with others since when more people reawaken, consciousness expands, and when consciousness expands… Well, you get the picture.