Spiritual Responsibility, Spiritual Cleanliness, Spiritual Integrity

Spiritual Cleanliness, Spiritual Responsibility, Spiritual Integrity


Janiece L. Boardway, M.A.


Rainbow Bridge to Conscious ReAwakening

The Equinoxes and Solstices are times of one season-ending while another begins. It can, for many, create some unstable energies. We have heard from many about a tremendous amount of “confusion” in their lives. We know that our family has been concentrating extra diligently on being present with ourselves and grounded. With the changing of the seasons, it asks us to bring balance and harmony within ourselves when the energies are shifting quite intensely.

However, at this time, we are seeing in particular, with our very aware children, teens, and adults, that they perceive a tremendous amount of chaotic energies for the past few months. We see this playing out in our World. Additionally, Tristan has been talking about “stuck” energy. What he means by “stuck” is that there are times when he feels the lightness of energy in those who are reawakening and moving forward in their lives with more clarity. Then an event occurs in the World that causes that flow of energy to stop since now instead of people continuing their work of becoming more aware, many are distracted with the polarities of energies. You know, all the right/wrong, good/bad, negative/positive, love/fear and other limited points of views that these distractions (some caused purposely) are meant to cause. Hence, we may forget to continue our path of awareness and consciousness. Now we are not saying to not pay attention to what is occurring around us. No not at all, since hiding, being in denial or in any way pretending that things and events are not happening to make us cut off our awareness. When we cut off our awareness, we are really disconnecting from ourselves. Consequently, we are unable to discern, and quite honestly, right now we must have our wits about us. For our family, that means having and being more of who we truly are!

As we all know, there are many ways and things we can do to remember who we are amid the chaos and take care of our body, mind and spirit. On a recent interview, Michael and I shared that our family is always doing something to take care of ourselves. At least once a week, we do energy healings on each other. We do visualizations clearing and cleansing our bodies, minds and energy fields and are always aware of the state of them. Additionally, we are conscious of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Are they ours, are we picking them up from others, are they coming from technology, etc.? We do QiGong, Meditate, breath work, cleanse our home and property, and so many other things that will contribute to us and every living thing. We also spend time in nature taking walks with our dogs. It is exceptionally beautiful now with all the natural streams flowing with water, which is something we haven’t seen in many years. We engage in activities that genuinely assist us on our journey of evolution. Does it mean we never have weird stuff happen in our lives? Absolutely not, but we have the tools to help us continue this long and sometimes painful journey. As Tristan says, “this journey could be easier if everyone woke-up.” But alas, here we are. Am I in judgment? No, I am aware and just sharing. Then again, I may require working on some more “allowance.” Just saying!

Continuing with the point of this article, my family and I also decided to share some wonderful baths that will assist in clearing any unwanted energies as well as create inner calm and peace. Something that is imperative for us to integrate into our lives at every moment.

1. Epsom Salts and Baking Soda: We dissolve one cup each of the Epsom Salts and Baking Soda in our warm bath water. When starting small children, it is wise to start slow, perhaps using 1/4 cup of each and then 1/2 cup each, depending upon the weight of the child. For example, up to 60 pounds, use 1/4 cup. Between 60 to 100 pounds use 1/2 cup. Adults use one cup each. Nice to stay in the bathtub for at least 20 minutes. You may use any type of essential oil you enjoy with this bath as well. The Epsom salts help pull out the toxins from the body while replenishing magnesium levels. With the addition of the baking soda, any chemicals in the water are neutralized. It is also ideal for cleansing any of the more dense energies and entities.

2. Salt Detox Bath: This is like the all in one. We use 1/4 cup of Epsom Salts, 1/4 cup of Sea Salts or Himalayan Salts, 1/4 cup of Baking Soda and 1/3 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. You may also add any essential oil you enjoy. Again, place everything in warm bath water and enjoy soaking for at least 20 minutes.

3. Clay Baths: Use 1/2 cup of Bentonite clay and 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts in your warm bath water. Bentonite baths are excellent for removing metals, toxins, cellular waste, internal parasites, pathogenic viruses, etc. Also used as a vaccination detox. Additionally, these clay baths are beneficial for those who suffer from allergies, hay fever, anemia, and digestive problems. We have added this one in since we are being bombarded with the denser energies through all of the WiFi, electronics, Chemtrails, Smart technology, Cell Towers, and all the other toxins in everything that in addition to weakening our physical body, damages our energetic electrical field.