Crystalline New Children * New Beings


New Beings Who Embody Crystalline Energies
Janiece, Michael & Tristan Boardway

We were asked the following question during our Journey with the New Beings Teleconference we had recently. We thank the mom (Cynthia) very much for allowing us to share her question and our answer with everyone.

Note from Cynthia:

By all means, please share my question with as many people as you can since your answer helped me tremendously understand my children, and I now know how to help them. As I told you a few times already, the information you shared on your teleconference and in your book was invaluable, and I am already seeing improvements in my family. I started reading your book again for the third time and I am still finding new and helpful information.

I also want to thank Tristan for explaining the reasons why the New Children are different. His explanation makes sense to me, and now I understand my role as a parent is not to compare my boys to other children and to raise them consciously instead of bringing them up like everyone else brings up their children. Please tell Tristan that I am embracing our differences! As Michael said, “real conscious parenting isn’t for the faint-hearted since it can go against the way you were raised and the programming of society.” That rang so true with me. All those voices inside my head are telling me to be a good little girl and listen to others. And lastly, I would like to thank Janiece for talking about the importance of doing our work of going within, examining and retrieving all of our memories starting from the earliest. I just began writing my memories and can see how important that exercise is in, as Janiece said during the teleconference, “embodying more of who we are so we are more present with ourselves and thus, can be more present with others.” Thank you again for all of your important information and all that you do to help others. 

Cynthia’s Question:

I have two boys, and both are diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. My eldest is seven years old, and my youngest son is five years old. What I notice about both of my sons is that they tire easily. For example, my five-year-old started kindergarten in August, and when he returns home from school, he is exhausted and needs to take a nap. My seven-year-old is the same, even though he has been going to school for two years now. I know other children, even ones diagnosed with Autism, and they don’t require the rest my children need. Their doctor has examined them, and he said that both boys are healthy, so it isn’t anything physical. I also see the same argumentative behavior in my five-year-old that I began to see in my eldest after he started school. We all used to get along very nicely, and now everything seems to be a struggle. 

Our Answer with a little more that we added:

As we discussed during the teleconference, both your boys embody the crystalline energy and of course, are incredibly high vibrational. Having crystalline energy and being very aware and high vibrational is definitely not supported in this 3D/4D World. Thus, it is vital to understand our children and ourselves energetically, so we know how to take care of them and ourselves in a reality that is not operating at the same level. 

Embodying the crystalline energy means that they are continuously taking on the dense lower vibrational energies to heal. It is a tremendous undertaking that these amazing New Beings are doing; however, it can exhaust and even harm them if those around them do not understand. What we are saying is that like crystals, the New Beings who embody the crystalline energy require cleansing, healing, and recharging. If not, they can become extremely worn down, which in turn depletes their energy leading to all sorts of behavior issues, negative thinking, learning difficulties, illnesses, etc. 

When we look at it this way, when we embody the crystalline energy, or we have children who embody it, we must remember the attributes of crystals and what they require to do their job optimally. As we know, the energy of crystals is not boundless since, after time using them to cleanse, clear, and heal the dense and stuck energies, they will diminish and, if extreme, can take on these lower vibrational energy. Thus, just as we cleanse and recharge our crystals, we cleanse and recharge ourselves and our children, so we are once more renewed. That isn’t always easy for children who embody the crystal energy when they are in classrooms every day. In that environment, they are inside sitting with other students and the teachers. Just think of what they are aware of, taking on to clear, cleanse, and heal from everyone in the classroom. It can be downright overwhelming. You mentioned that your son comes home from school and likes to take a nap. How wonderful that he knows how to take care of himself at such a young age since sleep is very restorative. Thank you, Cynthia, for allowing your son to take that time for himself since it seems that most families are very busy running their children from one activity to another instead of allowing their children to have some time to Be. We all require “down-time,” with all the conscious navigation that we are undertaking at this time. However, when we embody crystalline energy, we require even more self-awareness and self-care.

Also, just like crystals, those who embody the crystalline energy amplify. Just think of the energy the New Beings must expend to increase the level of awareness in others. We see many people with crystalline energy acting out because they are trying to get the attention of others, but no one is paying attention, so they have to be extreme. Now the acting out can actualize in illnesses, learning difficulties, and more. It can even be expressed in passive-aggressive tendencies such as the kids who never listen to their parents without an argument or just ignore them. We shared many tools with Cynthia to use with her sons that we won’t get into here. Although, we will say being in nature is essential. And please, leave the electronics at home during your time in nature. Additionally, please do not have electronics in your and your children’s bedrooms while sleeping. That includes the wireless baby monitors. 

Something else that these New Beings are doing, especially those who receive the 3-Dimensional Diagnoses that are given so rampantly nowadays, is that they are helping the physical World because of what they are doing in the unseen World. 

Some of them are going into the higher dimensions bringing in those energies to help Earth and all of us. Now they are the ones who are bringing in the Pure, True, and New Energies. They never talk about what they are doing. In fact, it is many of the New Beings who cannot speak and who are in wheelchairs that are bringing in some of the highest and purest energies. Yet, they are treated like they have nothing to contribute to this World. They are doing the most, and our family tells them energetically communicating through our hearts how much they are loved, appreciated and honored. We haven’t forgotten them. 

Other New Beings are doing their work as healers in very dangerous places such as the dark force grid around the Earth or in many underground areas where some horrible things are occurring. They bravely and unselfishly go into these areas and steadfastly face some extreme horrors. They are incredibly aware and do not pretend these horrendous events are not occurring. 

Additionally, some of them are going directly into that dark force grid to rescue the New Beings who are lost in that reality. They help them get out of there, so they are not engaged in behaviors that are harmful to themselves and others. 

Furthermore, many New Beings have the 4th-dimensional negative beings attached to them because the adults around them do not have this information and are not helping them clear, cleanse, heal and rejuvenate. They do not have an understanding of what is going on and how their children are suffering. Consequently, these New Beings are not being taken care of at a spiritual level, at an energetic level. Then many are placed on medications that weaken their energy fields and bodies even more to where they are fair game to be attacked. We cannot emphasize the importance of all of us to wake-up and assist these New Beings, for they are the ones who are doing the most, yet suffering the most. 

Something else to consider is that those who embody the crystalline energies are like crystals in that they are taken from their natural settings. Thus, the crystals that we have in our homes are no longer alongside their community of crystals that encompassed the pure natural energies. That is why many of us feel that we are all alone when we are born because we too are not with our Soul Families, or perhaps if we are fortunate, we only have one other person in our family who is in our Soul Family. However, now being in a “foreign” World can be lonely and confusing until we remember our origins and embody our true essence. 

For the three of us, we remember our origins and the importance of us coming together from the very beginning. We know that we have had karmic lives together as well, for we are not afraid to look at everything. We welcome those memories because we know that we can heal them and be more empowered as individuals and as a family. Knowing that we have consciously chosen to take this journey together and Remember has been extremely important for the three of us as the 3D world is not very comfortable for us or, quite frankly, makes much sense to us whatsoever. We are not complaining, just stating facts. After all, it is all about awareness! It is quite magnificent that the three of us have come together to remember who we indeed are and remind each other when things get a little squirrelly in this 3D/4D reality. How grateful we are indeed to be a member of our family who has chosen this remarkable journey. Assisting each other individually and as a family and also helping everyone else who is consciously choosing to ReAwaken to who they truly are.