Tools & Techniques


One of the most important things we can be is Present with ourselves.  When we are present with ourselves, we are present for our children and everyone else. This is not always easy to achieve in the busy World in which we live.  Here is a very simple and fast tool we can all use throughout the day to check in with ourselves and return to our energy field and be present.  While being quiet, just for a moment say to yourself  “I am in my Energy Field.  I am nurtured and well taken care of in my Energy Field.”  Just feel into the energy of this statement.  Do you feel your energy expanding?  In this expanded state of being that is infinite, can you feel your “I Am” presence and know that no matter what goes on in the World, you are nurtured and well taken care of in your energy field.  A wonderful statement to share with your children so they may also be in their presence, awareness and empowered.


Additionally, it is about taking care of ourselves emotionally, energetically, physically and mentally.  We never teach protection because it comes from fear. With protection, it always seemed to us that it was coming from a place of “there is something out there that can get us” and we do not find that empowering whatsoever.  Additionally, when we are using the energy to protect ourselves (placing bubbles around ourselves or whatever), we become constricted and cut off our awareness which definitely puts us in a place of giving our power away. Can you feel into the difference between protecting ourselves and taking care of ourselves?  Definitely taking care of ourselves is in alignment with our higher vibrational living.  What would it take for us to take care of ourselves and be in our awareness, without judgment, and create our lives in this place of empowerment.  4/14







In this reality, we tend to be in our intellect quite a bit of the time. Thinking about this or that, figuring things out, working on the computer as well as other more left brained activities.  For the children and teens, this may be spending their time thinking at school, coming home and doing homework and spending time on the computer, Wii, x-box, as well as other technology.  All of this leads to us not paying attention to the other parts of us nor to what is going on with our energy.  Sometimes because so much energy is in our heads, we may feel off balanced or “lopsided” and even experience pain in our head, neck and shoulder areas and perhaps even dis-ease for others.


After spending time in these more left brained activities, it is nice to take a moment and “feel” into your body. Can you feel all the energy in your head? Now feeling into that energy that is in your head, visualize it. Maybe you see it as a color or perhaps feel it being heavy while the rest of your body may feel a bit cut off. Begin to see and/or feel the energy flow down into your neck, shoulders, arms and hands, activating those areas. Then see this energy flowing into the front and back of your chest area, opening up these areas, while feeling your heart center expand out. 


Are you feeling a bit more calm and relaxed now? Allow this energy to flow down through your stomach and entire back area, into your hips and down your legs, ankles and feet. Do you feel your feet tingling or vibrating in any way? Now that the energy is flowing more freely within your body, visualize your energetic roots growing from your feet and into the New (Original) Energies of Mother Earth, all the way down into the center. Your energetic roots are now connected to the crystals deep inside our beautiful Mother Earth. Eons ago, many of us placed these crystals inside the Earth to be activated at this time during our evolution to assist every living thing in its ascension. Do you remember? Now that you are feeling this beautiful energy from Mother Earth, allow it to flow upwards back into your bodies. This is a beautiful flow of giving and receiving.




This is such a nice visualization for us to have on hand to teach our children (us too!) when perhaps they are experiencing something that is not very pleasant. It is easy, fast and fun.

Begin by holding your hands in front of you like you are making a bubble in between your hands.

As you visualize the bubble in front of you, put any feelings, thoughts or energies that feel uncomfortable for you in anyway into the bubble. Many of the feelings, thoughts and energies you are experiencing are from other people and do not even belong to you.

Now throw the bubble up in the air. See it go up to the Sun and be healed in the beautiful light. It’s gone now and you don’t have to feel it anymore.

Visualize happy, positive and loving energy above your head coming down from the Universe in all the colors of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet) and going into your body. Feel the warmth of the rainbow flowing into your head, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, stomach, bottom, legs, feet. Just feel the warmth all over in your body and wrap the rainbow of colors all around you.




Lately we have been speaking with others about the importance of being aware of our energy fields and taking care of them. In our World, it seems like the most important thing to take care of and expand is our intellect. The next thing is our physical bodies and then lastly, if ever, our emotions. Not to often, do we hear the importance of being aware of, knowing and taking care of our energetic fields. Because of this, it creates a person who is very unbalanced, easily affected by the thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of others since they are not aware that they are taking this all in through the openings of their energy fields. Additionally, there is an inability integrate the new loving light energies that we are currently experiencing. 

In Michael and my generation, no one taught us nor even talked about how to take care of our selves energetically since this was definitely not in anyone’s awareness. Even when Tristan was young, we never heard the importance of caring for and nurturing our energy fields. This was another lesson that Tristan taught us, since as we did everything we could to assist such an energetically expanded and high vibrational child feel more comfortable in his body, we learned that as the energetic beings that we are, being aware of and taking care of our energy fields is absolutely vital if we are to navigate our way in this reality with more ease.  

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take care of ourselves Emotionally, Physically, Mentally and Energetically. If we are unaware of our energy field, then we are susceptible to energies that are not of the highest light and consequently we become drained emotionally, physically and mentally which could lead to anxiety, irritability, illness and all types of discomfort. 

Many people talk about protecting ourselves from these lower level energies however, we feel that is all about fear and having to defend ourselves which energetically constricts us. In our work, we teach people how to take care of themselves and their energy fields as well as their children’s in order for them to become empowered. When we take care of our energy fields and teach our children how to take care of their energy, we are honoring and nurturing ourselves which is the energy of expansion and ascension. 

You may be asking yourself how you get in touch with your energy field. In time, all you will have to do is ask yourself how your energy field is doing and you will immediately know. However, if you would enjoy a little assistance, here is an exercise that will put you in touch with your energy field. 

While you are sitting or lying down, breath in any color that you find comforting and relaxing into your body. As you breath this beautiful color that is from the Divine Source, into your body, feel it relaxing any part of you that is feeling tense or any discomfort. As you breath out you can see those areas of tension and discomfort leaving your body in the form of smoke or darkness. 

You may now visualize your energy field that extends outside of you all around your body. Be aware of how it looks. Do you see any colors in your energy field and if so, what colors do you see. Do you see any darkness or dull looking colors. How do the different colors feel to you. For example, if you see blue, yellow, purple, how do these colors feel and what messages are they giving you. Now if you see any darkness or dull colors, how do those feel and what are their messages. Are these areas representative of some emotions or thoughts that require your attention so they may be healed? Also, are there any openings in your energy field and if so, how do those areas feel? Many times our energy fields can be open in certain areas which allow the thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other’s (physical and non-physical) to come in and affect us in some manner. What we see quite often is that the energy field in back of many people is quite open, allowing in all sorts of things that are not supportive whatsoever of the person. If you have ever felt happy one minute and then upset the next without any type of explanation, this is usually the case. Something has come from behind into your energy field without you even being aware of what has occurred. Of course, this can happen anywhere in our energy fields if left open and unattended. If you see anything else in your energy field that we have not discussed here, trust your knowing for you are the expert of you. Now that you are aware of your energy field, you can use the Nurturing Mother Earth Visualization and Golden Light Visualization below to cleanse and energize your energy field.



We have added a new beginning to our Pyramid of Golden Light Visualization that follows. By adding this extra step at the beginning of the Golden Light Visualization, you will be more grounded in your body, present with yourself and connected to the crystal deep inside the core of Mother Earth. In addition, this will assist you in connecting to the ley lines, obelisks, other energy centers of the Earth and the crystal grid around the Earth. This is a very important step, since the energies of these sacred areas have been manipulated and actually used against us.

By connecting to these energy centers, ley lines, obelisks, pyramids, sacred geometry and sites, etc., with our declarations that we awareness, discernment, love and self-empowerment, they will be activated and we will once again be in alignment with Mother Earth and our true source.  

Many lifetimes ago we were connected to all of these energy centers via the crystal center and the loving light from Source. The ley lines, obelisks, etc., acted as activators of power for communication between all of the energy centers so no matter where we were located on Earth, we would all be connected to them as well as each other, Mother Earth and the Multiverse. Thus, always aligned with our true connection to Source.

This visualization along with the The Pyramid of Golden Light, which follows, is really effective to do in the morning and at night before bedtime. Additional, times would be before and after you have been driving any distance on freeways since most all roads are built crossing ley lines and not following the natural flow of energy. Actually all transportation, such as traveling via airplane and railroad do not move in harmony with the ley lines thus, we can experience great discomfort in our bodies. This visualization will be of great assistance in bringing ourselves back into balance and harmony. 

Additionally, for this visualization we use the color silver as it represents the loving energies from Mother Earth. Specifically, embodying the feminine energies of vision, strength, awareness as well as the care and nurturance of ourselves. By intermingling the silver energies of this visualization with the golden energies from the Pyramid of Golden Light Visualization, we will embody a lovely balance of the true male and female energies.

  As you are sitting or lying down, take in some nice deep breaths and visualize a column of silver light radiating from the nurturing crystal inside Mother Earth. This beaming bright column of silver light is firmly connected to the crystal deep inside. It then travels all the way up through Earth, filling your toes and your feet, traveling upwards into your ankles and calves, filling the inside of your legs and flowing up through your knees and into your thighs. Now it goes into your torso, filling and clearing your first chakra and all your internal organs in this area. It is flowing in your second chakra and filling that entire area with the silver light. As it travels up into your third chakra feel the warmth of this energy filling your stomach, muscles, all the organs and also filling up your entire back area. 

The nurturing Mother Earth silver light now moves up through your spine, calming the nervous system and transmuting anything that is not of your highest light. This silver light then fills your heart chakra. At this point, you will begin to use the Pyramid of Golden Light visualization that is just below. The Pyramid of Golden Light and the Nurturing Mother Earth Silver Light will merge together and then create a vortex of energy, filling you up with both energies from Mother Earth and the Source Spirit. Being in this energy enables us to connect with all Earth’s energy centers, ley lines, and the crystal grid. This in turn enables us to be fully connected to our oneness with all. 





For the last several years while accompanying Michael on his business trips to Florida, Tristan and I have had the opportunity of seeing beautiful, extraordinarily large golden pyramids in the sky above the Atlantic Ocean.  These golden pyramids are quite spectacular in and of themselves, however extremely interesting because they are inverted. Tristan said that due to the  imbalance of energies on Earth, they have turned over in the inverted position, representing the feminine. These inverted golden pyramids receive the loving healing energy from the Divine Source and are now, and have been for several years, sending it to Mother Earth. Tristan said that when Earth is once again in balance and we honor her for all the gifts of life she so lovingly bestows upon us, then the Golden Pyramids will once again turn upright all around the World, as they once were eons ago, embodying both the feminine and masculine energies in harmony of the Oneness of All. When this happens once more, the energy will be flowing out and around in a circular motion back into the center of the Earth, repeating this motion returning Earth to its original homeostatic balance. Hence, creating the energy of the Flower of Life.

We began using this Pyramid of Golden Light in our meditations and wanted to share this magical visualization with you. This is a wonderful visualization to do before the start your day, filling yourself up with the beautiful golden light so you will be totally filled and enveloped, feeling supported as you go about your day. It is also nice to do this meditation before going to bed, clearing out any energies that you have collected throughout the day and filling yourself up with the nurturing energies of the highest light.
It is wonderful anytime you desire to feel more connected with your energy field, create healthy boundaries for yourself, and not take on the thoughts, feelings and energies of others.

Before we begin any meditation, we always take a few deep breaths into our stomachs and out through our nose or mouth, whichever is more comfortable. We also quiet our minds by visualizing a filing cabinet in our minds, just placing all of our thoughts inside knowing that when we need them later on, they will be there waiting for us. If during our visualization any of these thoughts come into mind, we just place them back into the filing cabinet to be addressed at a more appropriate time. During this time, we also enjoy connecting with our heart space by placing our hands clasped together and then bringing them into our chest area pressing gently and feeling our heart space open even more. When we feel open to receive this beautiful visualization, we gently rest our arms by our side.  

Begin by visualizing a beautiful Pyramid of Golden Light (inverted) above your head. This Pyramid is receiving the loving light and energy from the Cosmic Divine. Feeling into your body, breath in this loving golden light that is flowing down from the Pyramid and visualize the liquid golden light fill your entire head, from the very top, moving down and filling every space within your head: Your brow chakra, third eye where your pituitary gland is located and your crown chakra, your pineal gland and cerebral cortex. All of these areas are completely illuminated with this beautiful golden light. This sparkling golden light travels into your throat chakra area, your entire neck area, voice box and mouth, clearing and healing all lifetimes where you were not safe in expressing your true self. It now moves into your shoulders, flowing down your arms, all the way to the very tips of your fingers. Feel the warmth and tingling sensation of the liquid golden light as it fills and clears all of these areas; your fingers, the palms of your hands, your wrists, and all the way back up your arms to your shoulders. This golden light now flows into your heart center and gently joins the energy of the silver light, uniting these energies as they open and expand your heart chakra. 

Feel the energies of wisdom and clarity from the golden light and the loving and nurturing energies of the silver light, shimmering and opening up all these areas so you are now empowered to move forward in your truth and joyously speak from your heart with ease and grace.

Your mind, emotional field, entire physical body are now totally relaxed and in alignment with your awareness and spiritual energy system and are completely open, alive, awake and aware. As you experience the feeling of enlivening renewal with these beautiful and loving lights in your entire body, you begin to feel it expanding outside of your body, above your head and below your feet. The golden and silver light energies are now filling your entire auric field, pushing out everything that does not belong to you and is not of your true essence. You are, right here and now, the very being of who you incarnated as in this lifetime, bringing forth your gifts to share with the New Earth. You are claiming this birthright in this moment, for you know that there is no need to create walls or barriers around you for protection from others because you are a secure, nurtured and an empowered Being of Loving Light.





In honor of all the celebrations of light throughout the world we are sharing with you a beautiful Light Body visualization that will assist you on your evolutionary journey. Our Light Body is our body which consists of our energetic or auric field, the cellular structure of each organ, the molecules of each physical cell, the atoms of each molecule, and the electrons and sub-atomic particles of each atom. Our Light Bodies are the next evolutionary step for humanity, and as we can see, many of our children are already in their Light Bodies of purest vibration. Since we are becoming Beings of Light, this is a wonderful exercise that you will truly enjoy.  

  Visualize your Light Body (just like you but all golden light) in front of you, facing you. See your Light Body’s hand full of loving light going through your entire body transmuting any energies, thoughts, emotions, feelings, blocks, darkness, pain, illness or anything you can imagine from any and all of your lifetimes that are not of the highest vibration of Spirit’s light and love. Your Light Body transmutes into the loving Universal Light, everything in your body, cellular and your energetic body. Feel the loving light become larger and larger. Invite your Light Body to come into your physical body and feel the lightness and love radiating inside. Embrace this new feeling of peace and calmness. It may take a few times however, just go with it and after awhile it will feel more comfortable. Then see the golden illuminating light flowing from the Universe going inside your body making it even more lighter and expansive. This light goes all the way into your feet connecting you with the nurturing energies of Earth. Your body is now very light and loving, and in this place everything is possible. The light is so brilliant that it now expands outside your body, illuminating your auric field and making any adjustments and repairs that are necessary to make your field very strong. Know that with your shimmering auric field and body, nothing can harm you and you do not need to be protected from anything. You are the Light and the Love of all that is. 

Now take a moment and imagine the people in your life, one by one, and see any energetic cords and ties you may have with them. Visualize wherever they may be on your body and ask your Light Body to please cleanse all the cords and ties with the loving golden light. If for example, you are seeing a darkness in some of the energetic cords that are connecting you with these people, your Light Body will transmute the darkness into the loving golden light. It used to be that we would cut cords and they would return, and then cut them again and they would return once more and on and on. This was most exhausting. Additionally, we found that the energy around cutting cords is coming from a fear base and is not healing whatsoever. With cutting cords, it is all about resisting and reacting as well as defending for and against others which obviously, is constricting our energy. When we cleanse these energetic cords with the loving golden light from the Divine Source, they and the relationships are naturally healed. We are connected with everyone and we will have energetic cords between us so it is nice to keep them cleansed with the golden light. This is very beautiful and powerful exercise that will be transformative for you and everyone in your life.



While sitting or lying down, breath deeply and relax your body. Just go through your body and relax anything that is feeling tense. As you breath in, visualize gold (or any color, i.e., blue, purple even a rainbow of colors) that helps you feel relaxed. Then on the out breath, anywhere you are feeling tense, see smoke leaving that part of your body. Again, as you breath in, see the color filling you up and on the exhale see any discomfort leaving your body. Do that a few times until you feel relaxed in your entire body.

Now visualize the energy auric field around you. It’s an oval shape that extends outside our body and gives us important information about our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being as well as the condition of our chakras. Do you see any colors? If so, are they dark or light, fuzzy or clear, sticky or flowing, dense or “fluffy.” Tristan always used the word “fluffy” to describe how energetically light and clear he felt after he was smudged with sage. 

Do you perceive any areas that need to be healed? Are there any blockages, rips, tears, holes or debris such as thoughts, emotions, feelings and energies from others that you have taken on, even though they do not belong to you? Also, do you sense any of your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies that are in our aura that can be healed and transformed at this time?

Just perceive your aura anyway that works best for you. Perhaps you can see it, sense it, feel it, see it in your mind’s eye or in ways that are unique to you. Your awareness about your aura may also come from a deep knowing that you have within your heart. You may also ask questions to receive your awareness about your aura, such as “do I have any holes (rips, tears, debris, etc.) in my aura?” and receive your answers. Perhaps you will get a clear yes or no or perhaps you will receive your awareness in a feeling of lightness which would mean yes or a heaviness which would mean no.

Any way you perceive your aura is appropriate. Once you are visualizing this, begin to cleanse any part that needs attention by visualizing the colors of your chakras; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and one at a time see them move through your aura like a rainbow of colors. As you visualize these rainbow colors, if you perceive any disturbances or debris in your aura, you may also see a magical screen, comb or anything you would like to use, to filter and cleanse anything that is of a dense nature. Once you have moved through the rainbow of energy colors, allow yourself to further cleanse your aura with its own unique colors. Are there many colors or just one color? Do these colors or color flow freely or are they in any type of pattern? Bring into your awareness any sensations you are experiencing, along with any messages that you are receiving. Be aware of your aura field and its many characteristics with all of its subtitles, as they are the expression of you. 





Gently and calmly breath deeply into your stomach. As you breath in, feel if the breath gets stuck anywhere. For example, does it get stuck in the throat, solar plexus, heart, head, neck, shoulders, legs, any organs, etc. Continue to breath into those areas where you feel the energy getting stuck and when it feels more comfortable, continue taking the breaths to the next level. You may even want to visualize a color in those areas that is assisting with the flow of energy. For example, if the energy in the neck, shoulder and back areas are feeling heavy, stuck or experiencing any pain, you may visualize an aquamarine color in those areas, shinning brightly as it transforms any stuck or dense energies. Aquamarine is a color that is very powerful in shifting the energy from being stagnant to flowing with ease. 

Continue with your breathing and visualization until you feel the calmness and lightness of the flow of energy within you. 

If you like, you may continue on with visualizing a beautiful rainbow light coming from your heart center and filling up your entire body, from head to toe, and expanding out around you bringing in calm and peaceful feelings. 


When I breath in, I visualize the loving light from the Universe come into the top of my head and travel down to my heart.  When I breath out, I see this loving energy go to a place, like Japan or the Middle East or any area that may need love.  I also do this with people I know or don’t know.  Just when I think of someone, I automatically do this visualization.  Love, Tristan
Ever since Tristan was little, we have always found creative ways to help him ground into his body and Mother Earth.  Us too!!!  We wanted to share with you a really fun and creative activity to do with your children that is also a wonderful way of grounding into our bodies and connecting to Earth.  We live in the mountains so it is easy for us to collect rocks.  When we take our walks in the forest and see a rock that we like, we always ask it first if it would like to come with us and live in our rock garden or stay in the forest.  The rocks let us know and we are always respectful of their answer.  We would ask that you please do the same when choosing rocks for your garden.  If you live in a city, you will have to be a bit more creative in locating the rocks you will use for your rock garden.  Also, if you do not have a yard area, a smaller rock garden can be constructed on a deck or perhaps a corner of a room.  The rock garden doesn’t have to be large at all.  Any size will be appropriate.  Our rock garden has evolved over the years as we have collected all sorts of rocks from various areas.  We have very large rocks and smaller rocks and everything in between. When constructing your rock garden, always make sure that the rock size is appropriate for the age of the children to handle. Obviously, you would not want them to carry something that is too strenuous.  You can either talk about the design of the rock garden or just allow the rock garden to develop as you go.  We have always been a bit free flow with our design, allowing ourselves to be open to where a particular rock would like to be placed.  And the placement is never permanent since the rocks enjoy moving around.  Although we do have a couple extremely large rocks that will most definitely stay in their designated areas.   Touching the rocks really helps the children connect with Mother Earth.  As they bend their bodies and pick up rocks it is really great for helping the children be more connected to the lower part of their body.  It really enlivens the root chakra area. Tristan also enjoyed placing pine cones and leaves in the rock garden during the fall and in the Spring and Summer on our walks we have collected small granite pieces to add as well.  So you see, it is ever changing.  The rock garden is also a great place to mediate even if it is just for a few minutes with smaller children.  I remember when Tristan was a baby, I would hold him while he was sleeping and we would be together in the rock garden with all the beautiful energy.   It is also a wonderful place to have the children sit when they are upset since it is always very calming and peaceful.  After they have relaxed, you can come together and discuss what was upsetting them and process all of their feelings.  Of course, it is important to monitor them since when some children are upset it would be easy to throw some rocks around which definitely wouldn’t be a good idea.  It always goes without saying that having some nice guidelines about being safe in the rock garden and not throwing the rocks around, especially if there are many children, is very important.  When Tristan was younger he and a couple of his friends definitely enjoyed throwing rocks.  We had an area where they could engage in their rock throwing without any of them injuring themselves, anyone or anything else.  Yes, Michael and I spent many an hour with these children making sure they were safe.  When they were finished, they were very happy and continued their play in a more peaceful manner with each other, without the rocks! Another activity to do is have the children pick up a rock that “speaks” to them.  Have the children listen to the rock for their special message.  It is wonderful to hear the insightful information that is shared.  The children also enjoyed sitting around the rocks, holding sticks and drawing pictures in the dirt.  We would also (still do) jump up and down in this area, really getting into our bodies.  While we jump up and down we call out our names.  The name that is on your birth certificate.  Our birth names are very important and when we say it, it helps us become focused and centered in our bodies.  Just say it a few times and see how you feel.  Then jump up and down and say it really loud.  It is so much fun.   We also call out our dogs’ names.  They run and jump too!  Also, if it is a day that you would enjoy teaching the children about rocks, you can talk about the different types, such as igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.  It can be a learning experience as well.  Tristan has also discovered that one of the rocks looks like a manatee, another like a frog, a cow and many other animals.  We also have many heart shaped rocks that are very beautiful.  So you can see that the activities in your rock garden are endless.  In addition to the children engaging in such a creative endeavor, they also learn reverence for our planet while becoming connected to themselves and Mother Earth.
We all know that grounding exercises are very important and we are certain that you do them yourselves and with your children. When we talk about “grounding into Earth Mother” with our children, they may not seem to eager to feel that connection. The very aware ones perceive the dense and uncomfortable energies of Mother Earth as well and have absolutely no desire to grounded into Earth with all that heaviness. They would rather fly off in the other realms that are more loving, calm and peaceful. We always spoke with Tristan about connecting to what we call “Original” energies of Mother Earth. These are the energies that have been on Earth since the beginning and they are loving, nurturing and supportive. We found this to be very important to explain to children because as we stated above, they do perceive the dencer and not so comfortable energies. 
One grounding exercise that we enjoy doing is imagining ourselves as trees, first growing our roots deeply into Mother Earth and then when we feel quite grounded, continuing by expanding our branches up in the sky and beyond. Although this tree grounding exercise is very well known, we have added a few more steps that have made it even more meaningful. This grounding technique is great when standing up, preferably outside barefoot. Even standing next to a tree is nice.  Of course, this can be done inside as well depending upon your schedule and weather conditions.
You and your child can begin by taking some nice relaxing breaths and see yourselves as trees, any type of tree you and your child would like to be.  Visualize your bodies as the trunk of the tree and really feel that energy of that tree inside your bodies. Maybe even asking your child to use their hands and feel the bark on the outside of their bodies (the trunk of the tree). Now you and your child can visualize this tree trunk going all the way down your legs until you get to your feet. Your feet are now becoming the roots of the tree growing deep inside of Mother Earth. As you and your child are doing this visualization, really work on feeling the the dirt and rocks as your roots travel deep inside the ground. With your “feet” roots, grab onto the rocks and hold on to them, really using your imagination to feel the textures of the rocks with your feet. You and your child can even talk about the textures of the rocks, the sizes of the rocks, etc. As you and your child experience the feelings of being the trunk and roots of the tree, gently bring your attention back up the trunk of your tree into your arms and hands, visualizing them as the branches and leaves of the tree.  During this time it is nice to share the sensations you may be feeling. Do you feel the warmth of the sun shining down upon you or perhaps the feelings of gentle raindrops flowing down your tree body all the way down your trunks and roots, deep into Mother Earth. Whatever you and your child are feeling is meaningful and can be shared with one another. The next step is to visualize all the nutrients and minerals coming into you from inside Mother Earth, nourishing your bodies. This can be seen as a ball of colored light energy (any color you would like) coming from inside the ground and flowing up into your bodies. This ball of colored light with all the nutrients and minerals will travel through your bodies, nourishing them entirely, and out the top of you and your child’s heads into the Universe now receiving all of the loving light energy and bringing that down into your bodies. This ball of beautiful light energy enters the top of your head, traveling all the way down your bodies and back down into Mother Earth. As you do this a few times, the ball of energy expands larger and larger until you and your child feel the beautiful energy of Mother Earth and the Universe inside and all around you going out a few feet beyond your bodies.     
After the exercise, you and your child can either draw or describe the tree you became during this visualization. Was it a big strong tree or a smaller tree or even a weaker tree. What does the trunk look like. Does the tree have leaves or flowers. What colors, etc. Are there any birds, butterflies or fairies on or around the tree. When you see what your child drew or hear what they imagined, you will learn so much about their connection with their bodies and how it feels for them to be on Earth. With children who are not so connected with the physical world, you can draw some different types of trees and look at some pictures of trees and talk about what it would feel like to be an Oak Tree, a Willow, Palm Tree or any type of tree you find. Also, when you are outside they can wrap their arms around different trees to see how they feel with each one. Which trees help them feel more in touch with their bodies and Mother Earth. It may take some time for the children who enjoy walking a bit off the ground however, continue working with them in a very gentle manner that is always respectful of them and their experience and in time, you will see the changes that will occur.
We remember when Tristan was little, his trees were always drawn a couple of feet off the ground with not much of a root system. We always spent many a day out in the forest by our home with all the beautiful trees. We still enjoy our time together feeling our way through the forest! Now thinking about some of Tristan’s drawings, we remember that when drawing a picture of himself when Tristan was little, he would always draw an “ET” looking child either a few feet off the ground or flying off somewhere. Okay, well that is another story. 
Getting back to our visualization, you can see that grounding for Tristan was extremely important as well as us since all of us adults can certainly become busy in the 3D world allowing our minds to be off and running in realms that are just a little strange or perhaps not so little. In doing this tree visualization exercise with our families, we will feel our deep connection with ourselves, each other, Mother Earth and every living thing.
Now that it is the beginning of the school year we wanted to share a very nice and effective exercise that will help your children navigate calmly through all of the energies they feel at school and everywhere else they go.  Also, a wonderful exercise for all of us adults!!! As we all know, many of our children (and us too) are very aware of the thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of others.  Tristan also wanted to remind everyone that your children can be affected by the energies of the unseen, the non-physical beings.  So just like when they get their backpacks ready for school, making sure they have the proper materials to take with them so their day goes as smoothly as possible, let’s give them a nice exercise that will ensure that their energetic bodies have the proper materials as well as they go throughout their day.  Again, this is very important for all of us to do as well.  The first time you do this exercise with your children and yourselves, it would be a nice idea to do it during a time when you are not so rushed.  An evening or weekend day would be nice so they are familiar with the exercise and can do it fast in the each day.  Discuss with your children about our energy fields and you may even find some nice pictures of the chakra systems and energy fields on the internet.  Share with them that our energy fields are just as important to take care of as our physical, mental and emotional bodies.  Our energy fields are filled with spiritual light, color, sound and our Life Force.  When we are aware of our energy fields, then we can check in with them and fill them up with loving energy.  This is their special energy field and no one’s not so pleasant thoughts or feelings can come into or drain our energy fields, no matter how expanded we are.  It is great to have them draw a picture of themselves and then ask them to draw the energy around them since we are quite sure that most all them know what it is, what it looks like, etc.  They will probably draw your energy field as well!   With the younger children, you can help them with the drawing of themselves and with the teens a discussion and visualization may be more appropriate, unless they enjoy drawing.  Whatever is most comfortable for them is best.  When Tristan was very young (and for many years for that matter) we would have him lie down on a large sheet of paper and then draw the outline of his body.  We all would add in the body parts and then the chakras and energy field.  Actually, Tristan drew all of the chakras and energy fields showing us other places as well that we were unaware of.  As we say, these children already know where everything is located as well as all the why’s and what’s, etc.  Getting back to the drawing, after they have drawn or visualized for older children their bodies and energy fields around them, have them fill it in with whatever color they see or feel their energy to be.  For many of the children and teens, they may say that the paper is not big enough because their energy fields are so expanded.  If they say this, like Tristan did, then they can visualize their expanded energy fields.  During this time, they may show us anything that may not be feeling good for them.  If this occurs, ask your children if those are their feelings or do they belong to someone else.  The most important thing is for the children and teens to be able to understand what belongs to them and what belongs to others. If these feelings belong to others, just ask them to draw or visualize that energy leaving them and return to whomever with love and consciousness.  It is okay if they do not know who it belongs to.  Just making the declaration that the energy is leaving and returning with love and light is all it takes.  This is very empowering to children and teens.  Many of these children are very aware (some people say sensitive) as well as telepathic so it is easy to allow other people’s thoughts and feelings into their energetic fields.  After this has been processed with them, have the children visualize the beautiful color that they have chosen to be in and around them coming from the Universe (or however you want to describe that to them) into the top of their head, filling their entire bodies with this loving color and then spreading outside of their bodies filling up their entire expanded energy fields.  They will always feel loving and peaceful no matter what may be going on outside of them.  They can then draw another picture with this color all around them if they like.  Of course, during your busy week of getting them to school this can be done just through visualization and when they have the time it is great for them to draw a picture.  A few of the moms have the children do this exercise while they are driving them to school.   Very efficient moms!!! 
Last night I was contemplating a situation in which I was requesting clarity and I began to think back on the last 18 years with Tristan and how Michael and I have received information guiding us on our journey.  Sometimes we would wonder what our next step was in assisting Tristan in this life and not having as many resources as we have today we became extremely creative in receiving the answers and finding ways to help Tristan feel more comfortable in his body.  I remember many times waking up in the middle of the night to see Michael doing energy work on Tristan with the intention of helping him feel more comfortable in his body.  When Tristan was a baby, he would lie on Michael’s chest because that was the only way he would feel comfortable in going back to sleep.  In receiving answers, we do have to say that most of the time when we were questioning something the answer would come quite quickly.  Perhaps it was meeting someone, being guided to read an article or receiving an answer in a dream or meditation.   We always found that Tristan was guiding us to the proper resources that would help us on our way.  During those times when we have wanted guidance we have used a visualization that we call Receiving Guidance from your Child’s Guardian Angel.  A child’s angel can give us very helpful information when we are in need of clarity and assistance around a situation with our child.   We have found that the best time to use this visualization is right before we go to sleep.  That way we can receive the information we are requesting during dreamtime.  Michael and I find that before we go to sleep is perfect because we are always in such a relaxed state.  It is important that we take ourselves out of the picture and so in requesting guidance, it does not come from our thinking or ego selves.  It is important for our wishes to be made with open hearts and a genuine desire to help our child. Instead of giving you step by step instructions on how to do this visualization, I would rather explain this by giving you a personal example.   When Tristan was about 3 years old, Michael and I were doing many alternative things to help Tristan fell more comfortable and also assist him in his ability to speak.  Although we all could communicate quite well “in our minds” as Tristan calls it, we also knew that since Tristan is on Earth it would be a nice idea for him to speak “out loud”.  One night before I went to sleep I asked one of my Guides to assist me during this visualization.  My Guide immediately came to me and we were standing at the beginning of a pathway in a beautiful garden area.  I explained to my Guide that I wanted to meet with Tristan’s Guardian Angel to ask for any suggestions on how I could help Tristan be more comfortable in his body and also help him to speak out loud more easily.  My Guide and I walked on this pathway through the garden that looked like an English garden, feeling very peaceful and loving.  We reached the end of the pathway where we met Tristan’s Guardian Angel.  My Guide introduced me (it was just a formality) and we had a wonderful conversation about the issue I was requesting clarity on.  I would like to point out that we did all of this “in our minds”.  During this conversation, I could feel Tristan in the garden playing with all the little animals and also the beings from the fairy realm.  It was quite lovely.   When we finished, my Guide and I thanked Tristan’s Guardian Angel for her help and we proceeded to walk back onto the pathway and leave the garden.  I looked back one more time and I could see Tristan standing with his Guardian Angel who had her arms wrapped around him.  The next morning I shared my visualization with Michael and when Tristan awoke, he told us that he had a dream that his Angels came to him and gave him something to drink in order to help him “talk out loud better on Earth.”   That is when he began talking more and even though some may say that his speech is not “perfect”, he speaks with confidence and mostly importantly love.
This technique is one of Tristan’s favorites and ours too!  This is extremely relaxing.  We use his rose quartz crystal and one of his tuning forks.  So yes, this does require a tuning fork.  If you do not have any tuning forks and are looking to purchase just one, we highly recommend the OM tuning fork.  This tuning fork resonates with the Cosmic OM and with the color blue/green and the heart chakra. We have Tristan lie face down on his bed or massage table.  Starting with his feet, one at a time of course, we place the rose quartz crystal on the instep of his foot and then vibrate the tuning fork and place the stem on the crystal.  We do this all the way up his legs, back and neck.  We finish with a gentle massage on his head.  We have also recommended this to other parents to use with their children and they all absolutely love the results.  It’s great for everyone.
This is a wonderful meditation you can do when you would enjoy receiving insights and awareness about one of your children, teen (or adult)  or just to visit with them energetically in that realm that is so magical. In addition, this is a beautiful meditation to do if you ever do any type of “inner child” work when you would like to feel more connected and more loved. We hope you will enjoy. Janiece, Michael & Tristan
Sit comfortably and take in some deep in and out breaths. The first few breaths just release all the thoughts, feelings, emotions of the day and you can even see a filing cabinet in your mind with an open drawer, and just place all thoughts into that drawer and then closing it, knowing that you can retrieve them at any time later on. Then the next few in and out breaths just connect your mind, body, spirit, and heart. Just breathing in all of those parts so you are feeling connected and at one with your entire being. If you can comfortably lift one of your hands up above your head to your 12th Chakra and feel the pulse in the palm of your hand. This is the cosmic pulse and your connection to the Divine Source, your highest vibration. Just feeling into this pulse of all there is and beyond while taking your in and our breaths and then feel this pulse travel down into your arm all the way down (and you may gently bring your arm and hand down now resting comfortably). The cosmic pulse is traveling down into your entire body, activating each and every energy center, all of your cells, muscles, organs and feel the pulse expanding your heart center. Now this pulse travels all the way down into your feet activating the energy centers of your feet and their connection to Mother Earth. As you feel this cosmic pulse in your entire body, it is now expanding down into the depths of Mother Earth traveling into the center and connecting with all of the crystals that are activated so strongly at this time. You are now connected and at one with all of the nurturing and loving energies of Mother Earth and the energies of the highest light and vibrations of the cosmos. Now bring your attention back into your body and see yourself in a beautiful setting you enjoy. It could be a forest, garden, beach or anywhere you love most. As you begin to be aware of everything in this beautiful area, you notice that there is another being with you. This is one of your Higher Self or Spirit Guides who would like to take you on a journey across a bridge that is appearing before you. As you both approach this bridge, notice anything about it. What type of bridge is it. Is it large and long or smaller and shorter. What is it made of, wood, steal, crystal or some other material. Is it strong or perhaps not so strong and a bit old. Just be aware of everything you are noticing as you and your Higher Self or Spirit Guide walk across this bridge, the bridge of your being. And as you both walk you see two beings at the other end of the bridge. You see that one of them is one of your children (teen, adult) who is accompanied by one of their Higher Self or Spirit Guides. Notice what you are feeling and perceiving as you approach them. Do you have a question or message for either one of them or does your child (teen, adult) or their Higher Self/Spirit Guide have a question or message for you. This message or question could be asked or given outloud verbally, telepathically, perhaps just a feeling or knowingness or even in the form of a gift or gifts you all exchange.  Perhaps it is in a form of a picture or scene of some type.  Maybe even a taste or smell.  All are appropriate and just allow yourself to be in each others’ company.
  Now that you all have been given the gifts and the awareness that you came to receive from one another, thank your child (teen, adult) and Higher Selves or Spirit Guides for being with you. With a grateful heart you are filled with love knowing that your child is always being loved and supported by their Higher Self and Spirit Guide. On your walk back to your beautiful area you are feeling so grateful and so joyful that you have taken the time to be in the presence of your child’s (teen, adult) true self and their Higher Self and/or Spirit Guide and also so happy that you have taken the time to connect and be with yourself and your Higher Self and/or Spirit Guide knowing that you can return to this magical place anytime because you are always in this magical and sacred space. 


When Tristan was little we began doing a really fun little visualization while we walked in the forest. We called it Walking with Fairy Steps. As we walked, we would visualize fairy light shinning out the bottom of our feet and going into the ground, blessing Mother Earth with every step we took.  The light could be any color and it is always fun to talk about what colors we saw shinning out the bottom of our feet. It was also interesting to share the reasons for choosing these colors, how they made us feel and what each color contributed to Mother Earth. We usually walked in silence for awhile and then would share from time to time during our walk.  

On your next walk with your children, or just by yourself, with every step you take visualize any colors you like shinning out the bottom of your feet and going into Mother Earth. In addition to being fun, walking with fairy steps is a great way to feel more grounded in our bodies, especially for those children (and adults) who enjoy walking a bit off Mother Earth. The light shinning out the bottom of our feet does really help connect us with the lower parts of our bodies and our feet as well. Additionally, it deepens our connection with the Fairy Realm and all of Mother Earth. And our feet tingle too!!!  We still enjoy this one.



Hi, this is Janiece and I am writing for Tristan. I will explain why.  All morning long, I was receiving all of these nonstop messages to write and it was all about grounding the children (and us too) in the New/Original energies of Mother Earth.  I asked Tristan if he was sending me information to share with everyone.  He said, “Yes Mom, I wrote and typed so much yesterday in school that I was sending it to you to write because I am so tired.”  Oh, he did ask if it was okay if I wrote it for him and I agreed.  This morning, Tristan has been experiencing what we call energy surges.  He has some dizziness and light flashes in his eyes and right now he is lying outside on the ground.  Here is the message from Tristan:  This morning, I have been feeling all of the energy coming in from the Universe. It is really loving but there is a lot.   I usually feel it first then my mom and dad.  We live in the mountains and there is a lot of granite and other crystals.  This seems to draw in even more of the new energies as they come in so it is important for us to be grounded because we can feel it a lot. (Also, what my mom and dad have learned is that it is important to be very clear on what they are thinking and feeling because the energy up here makes those bigger too!)  I wanted to share with everyone some of the exercises that have helped me feel more grounded when I am getting these surges and thought your children (and you too) may like them.  Because as you know, your kids are very sensitive, or aware as we call it, to these energies and feel them even more.  If we don’t get grounded we can get irritable and seem like we have left our bodies.  We also do some of these exercises every morning to help us feel grounded.   I always do the tree thing where I see my feet as roots going all the way inside of Mother Earth, to the very center.  Also, I hold a cooper rod when I do this–it is very helpful.   When I feel a lot of energy in my head, see the light flashes in my eyes and get dizzy, I visualize the energy going down my body, way down into Mother Earth.  All the way to the center.  I think this beautiful energy helps the Earth heal too.  I always ask the Earth first if I can do this and I always get a yes answer.  I also like to sit under a tree with my back against the trunk and breath deeply.  This is also nice to do during meditation.  The trees like this too and they share the nice energy with the other trees and plants around them.  My mom or dad also do a grounding massage on me.  They start with massaging my feet and then legs, all the way to my head and back down.  This helps a lot.  There are other things I do and I will share them with you later.  Here is another one.  We call it the ball massage. (written in 2011)
We do a lot of massages, all types of energy and reconnective work on each other at our house.  My mom and dad have been giving me massages ever since I was born.  I still like them.  If you have a sensitive kid or what we like to call “Aware” like me a lot of times when you touch us we can feel all of your energy especially when we are really little.  Not that your energy is not good.  I am not saying that.  But sometimes during a massage you might be thinking about what needs to get done around the house or whatever and we can pick that up.  So the ball is like a buffer between you and your child.  Also, what my parents found was that by using the ball, it was massaging the palm of their hands and relaxing them.  My mom uses a ball made out of natural materials.  She has one of those yarn balls made out of wool and one made out of cotton.  I would lie on my stomach and my mom or dad would role it slowly all over me, starting with my feet going all the way up to my head.  It is very relaxing.  I still like it. 
My mom and I were talking and wanted to share a message and exercise with you.  She is helping me because there is a lot of words and we all know how I would rather communicate in pictures and not writing a lot of words.  We were talking about right and left brains and how they operate.  Our world seems to be set up for left brain thinkers.  Left brain thinking is good but, it is important to be connected with our hearts too.  I think a lot of people forgot about their right brains and hearts.  That is why so many horrible things can go on in the world.  People can always find a good enough reason to justify their expressions of hatred towards others.  It is just fear.  Their fear of feeling the pain within themselves that needs to be healed.  There are many kids like me in the world who are very right brained.  We see in pictures and are very telepathic and intuitive.  Some people may say that we are too sensitive. I say that we are bringing out the truth within everyone.  Sometimes we do not always do it in a way that adults want to see or experience.  I remember when I was really young and I was around someone who would say nice things but that’s not what I was seeing inside because they really did not mean it.  I would feel what they were feeling within themselves and it was not nice at all.  Their feelings that they were not addressing were very loud to me and the only thing I could do was to act it out in an irritable way.  Unfortunately, they did not understand that it was their hidden feelings that I was acting out and would see me as the problem.  Also, another thing that we kids do is when we are around people who we are not comfortable with, we go into other dimensions where there are loving beings of light.  (I have to admit that sometimes we do this when we are bored doing school or something we don’t want to do.)  I am writing this because there are so many of us who are misunderstood by others.  Because of these misunderstandings, they want to give us labels of dysfunction.  There is nothing dysfunctional about us at all.  People are saying one thing and then behaving in a totally opposite way because they are not in touch with their hearts, their true feelings.  We kids, and I know there are many adults like this to (my mom is like this too), come from our hearts and have been trying to fit into the left brain world of thinking and analyzing things to death.  This isn’t easy so it throws us out of sorts.  My mom always said that it was more difficult for me coming into this world because I, and other children like me, are pure love.  She says that when we come to Earth with our special reason of teaching people to love again, the lower vibration of fear really can throw off our systems.  We are not used to this fear vibration and it is very hard on us.  We remember our truth and we are here to remind you. So how can you help us and also help yourselves too?  My mom and I were talking about it and decided it would be nice to share an exercise that I do with both my parents.  We do it with all three of us together too.  It is fun to do with many people too.  If you are in a school or something like that, you can do it with all the kids.  Okay, here it is. 
Stand or sit across from your child and look into their eyes.  Raise up your hands and have them raise their hands so all of your palms are facing each other but not touching.  Connect with each other and feel your heart open up.  We are sending our loving vibration to you and clearing the path to your heart.  You are all connecting at the heart level.  It may take time but you will feel it and it feels good.  You will also see some pictures we are sending you that will help you be telepathic, communicate with your heart and energetically.  
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